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Granting Installer Access To The Enphase Enlighten Monitoring App

If you already have an Enphase system and you need service from us, this video will show you how to grant Florida Solar Design Group access to the Enphase Enlighten monitoring app. This will allow us to see everything that you see and also dig into system errors and diagnostic tools.

In addition to granting us access, it is important to also assign us the System Maintainer role. This allows us to look at your array map (location of each microinverter serial number) and correct it (which is usually necessary because other installers usually do a very poor job at this).

Enphase also has textual instructions on their website with pictures if you prefer to learn how to do this without watching the video. Find that here: Enphase Instructions For Adding A New Solar Contractor

To grant Florida Solar Design Group access, use the email address:

The post Granting Installer Access To The Enphase Enlighten Monitoring App appeared first on Florida Solar Design Group.

This post first appeared on Solar Pool Heating Panels | Solar Electricity, please read the originial post: here

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Granting Installer Access To The Enphase Enlighten Monitoring App
