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74-Year-Old Grandma Poses In A Tiny Bikini, People Marvel At Her 'Ageless' Figure

74-Year-Old Grandma Poses In A Tiny Bikini, People Marvel At Her 'Ageless' Figure

You're about to meet Jackie, who just gave birth nine months before this video footage. She attributes her post-baby body to her good genes — but when you see Jackie's grandmother, you'll totally understand why.
You see, the following clip isn't about young women and their fit physiques. It's about women in their golden years who look and feel absolutely fantastic.

Jackie's grandmother, Rebecca LaNasa, is known as an "ageless wonder." At 74 years old during the time of this segment, the Florida grandmother has a six-pack. She's also a certified Zumba instructor and Miss Florida Senior America.

Rebecca stands next to Jackie, rocking an itsy-bitsy bikini of her own, inspiring thousands of people across the world to embrace their bodies and be more confident.

Talk to moms about mom stuff. And make money doing it. You'll also meet other grandmothers with bikini bodies that make jaws drop, like Wendy Ida. Wendy says she used to weigh 200 pounds but lost 75 pounds with diet and exercise.

"I absolutely feel better now, at 63 years old, in a bikini than I did when I was 33," she says.

This post first appeared on Todby, please read the originial post: here

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74-Year-Old Grandma Poses In A Tiny Bikini, People Marvel At Her 'Ageless' Figure
