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Does Amazon Sell Real CBD?

So, does Amazon sell real CBD?

This is a very valid question because many brands are selling “hemp oil” products that contain zero CBD – yet when you read the listing, you get the sense that you are getting a CBD product.

This is often most common in CBD tincture-based products but can occur in topicals and other forms.

So what’s going on here is that these companies are bottling Hemp Seed Oil and putting xyz mg/bottle. But the mg they are referring to has nothing to do with CBD and is basically how many mg of hemp seed oil.

I’m not saying that all companies are doing this, but here’s a perfect example of what I’m referring to. Without revealing the brand name, this is an example of a company claiming that there is 15,000,000 mg of hemp/bottle. Which is pathetic.

You are much better off buying hemp seed oil sold at your local health food or grocery store.

Be Careful When Buying CBD on Amazon

When choosing a CBD product from Amazon, make sure that you are getting a real CBD extract and not just hemp seed oil.

Here are a few things you can look for to make sure that you are getting a real CBD product:

  • Does it say 25mg – 3,000mg? This is much more believable and is much much more likely to be real.
  • Does it say extracted from hemp biomass? Or Cannabinoid-rich hemp…?
  • The best thing is to actually reach out to the company and straight up ask em. Does this product contain CBD?
  • If it does NOT say CBD on the product, or packaging I would not trust it.
  • You will even see words like “hemp extract” or “high potency,” which is very misleading. You will even see “Co2 Extracted,” which makes you think it’s a cannabinoid-based product.

The best thing to do is just shop for your CBD tinctures, CBD Gummies and other CBD products right here on BigBudzCBD – so that you know for sure you are getting high-quality real CBD in every product.

But here’s the thing. I spent almost an hour looking through thousands of listings and I could not find one legit CBD product. In fact here’s a screenshot of one page of results, and not one of these products contain any CBD:

From what I could tell, every single product listed on Amazon that appears to be a CBD product is actually a hemp seed oil product.

So you’re much better off choosing one of our CBD products here on this site or finding a trusted and reputable CBD brand.

If we can help you in any other way, to avoid wasting your time and money we are happy to help.

The post Does Amazon Sell Real CBD? appeared first on Organic Store.

This post first appeared on Big Budz CBD, please read the originial post: here

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Does Amazon Sell Real CBD?
