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T-ara Areum denies fraud allegations, “Stop talking about people’s lives”


Areum (30, real name Lee Areum), a former member of the group Tiara, denied the allegations that she defrauded her acquaintances and fans with her lover.

On the 1st, Areum posted on her Social Media, “This is the last food I will give you. Everyone, eat a lot. “Look at the people who said my threshold of death was a lie,” he wrote, and released a photo containing a detailed calculation of emergency medical expenses. The treatment period was the 27th of last month, the day Areum is known to have made an extreme choice.

Areum said, “Don’t talk nonsense about people’s lives. I am angry that all I can do to you is defamation, but you will be punished for the rest of your life. Right now, I don’t have any hard feelings or anything, and even though I’m just sick of it, I’m living very peacefully. (Don’t worry, fans).” “Those who will be punished can look forward to the future. “I can sleep with my legs stretched out, but you will make me bend my back more and more,” he said, expressing his anger.

Areum said, “For the last time, don’t mention our children carelessly. “How does it feel to be put on the chopping block so excitedly just because she was active in the entertainment industry, because she is a public figure, and because her dream is to become an artist?” he asked.

He said, “My dream is for everyone to live comfortably without worrying,” and “It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or false, it’s none of their business. They laugh and talk about their own lives and feel like they’re pouring mud on other people’s lives by carelessly pointing fingers at malicious comments to make themselves feel embarrassed later.” “I’m curious about this,” he said. Areum said, “We will put everything into law without mercy. In the future, please let these incidents pass and do not contact me to apologize. “I really don’t think I will want to forgive at that time, so I have no acquaintances so far, and I will do my best for the people I will meet in the future,” he emphasized.

In another post, Areum completely refuted Dispatch’s report on suspicion of fraud. Dispatch reported that Areum and her boyfriend, Mr. A, swindled money from acquaintances and T-ara fans on several occasions in the name of attorney fees and medical expenses for Areum and Areum’s children.


According to reports, Areum’s remarriage partner, Mr. A, committed crimes of fraud, blackmail, and sexual violence against a total of three people, including two ex-girlfriends. Mr. A was found guilty of this crime and was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison on May 13, 2021. Mr. A worked as a film and screenwriter after being released from prison in September of last year, and met Areum in October of that year. Afterwards, Areum and Ms. A borrowed money under the pretext of her ex-husband’s child abuse and Areum’s hospital treatment expenses. According to Dispatch, there are at least 10 victims of fraud, and the damage is 43.95 million won. Currently, the two have repaid about 2 million won of this amount. Regarding Dispatch’s contact, Areum said, “I have never borrowed money. It’s hacking. “Don’t call me,” she insisted.

In response to this, Areum refuted, “My boyfriend and I are the ones who are most tired and tired of what happened because of people who reported information and wrote articles at will.” “Child abuse lies in fabricating the verdict? She said thousands of times that the child abuse case had already been investigated and that as a mother, she hoped it wasn’t child abuse. “But the child is having a hard time. What more should I say to the reporters who dared to call it child abuse?” she said. “My position is that the truth will be revealed over time and it would be better if it just passes quickly and quietly. “At the end of the day, I will definitely make it so that those reporters will have to apologize.”

Meanwhile, Areum debuted as a member of T-ara in July 2012, and left the group in July of the following year. In 2019, she married businessman B, who is two years older than her, and they have two sons. In December of last year, she announced her remarriage to her new lover along with the news that she and Mr. B were filing for divorce. It has been reported that she attempted to take this drastic step following allegations of domestic violence by her ex-husband. She said on the 29th of last month that she was beautiful and had regained her consciousness after making the extreme decision. She announced that she would take legal action against the various allegations made against her and her boyfriend.

Areum announced the suspension of SNS (social media) activities on the 31st of last month. She posted on her social media that day, “I’m going to take a break from Instagram for a while. “We are taking legal action on all cases posted so far, and in the future, we will only take legal action without any sniping comments or statements,” she wrote.


This post first appeared on AAnkhoDekhiNews, please read the originial post: here

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T-ara Areum denies fraud allegations, “Stop talking about people’s lives”
