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Chaos Erupts in Koyonzo Market After Fatal Attack on Watchmen

A wave of violence and destruction engulfed Koyonzo Market as enraged residents vented their fury following the tragic death of two watchmen in the area, marking a grim chapter in the town’s history.

Reports emerged detailing a brazen break-in at a prominent businessman’s shop in the Market, resulting in the theft of goods worth millions of shillings and the senseless killing of two vigilant guards tasked with safeguarding the premises.

The shocking incident sparked outrage among locals, who swiftly descended upon Koyonzo Police Station, decrying what they perceived as a glaring failure by security agencies to promptly respond to the distress call.

Anger boiled over as frustrations mounted over perceived negligence on the part of law enforcement.

In a disturbing turn of events, the irate mob targeted police officers’ residences within the market, unleashing a wave of destruction upon anything in their path.

Homes were ransacked, property was set ablaze, and chaos reigned supreme as the situation spiraled out of control.

Expressing dismay over the unfolding chaos, Kakamega County Police Commandant Mr. Joseph Kigen condemned the wanton acts of violence and cautioned against vigilantism.

Assurances were given that investigations into the heinous crime were underway, with a pledge to uncover the truth behind the tragic deaths of the two watchmen.

“Let it be known that resorting to violence and vandalism will only compound the situation and undermine efforts to deliver justice,” Mr. Kigen emphasized.

However, local leaders, including Wakili Robert Ojou, voiced sharp criticism of the police response, citing delays in their arrival at the scene of the crime.

Ojou denounced the loss of life and property, calling for greater accountability and swift action to prevent further bloodshed.

“Lives have been lost, and livelihoods shattered. We cannot stand idly by as our community suffers,” Ojou lamented. “It is imperative that law enforcement agencies act swiftly to restore order and address the grievances of the people.”

The turmoil spilled onto the bustling Mumias-Busia Road, disrupting business activities and causing widespread disruption as bonfires blazed along the thoroughfare.

Police faced formidable challenges in quelling the unrest, grappling with the magnitude of the protests and the volatile atmosphere gripping the town.

As the dust settles on this tragic episode, the scars of violence serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need for effective security measures and community cohesion in Koyonzo Market.

The post Chaos Erupts in Koyonzo Market After Fatal Attack on Watchmen appeared first on FMFIX.CO.KE.

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Chaos Erupts in Koyonzo Market After Fatal Attack on Watchmen
