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Heart Of A Homemaker by Jabulile Buthelezi-Kalonji

Heart Of A Homemaker By Jabulile Buthelezi-Kalonji

Heart of a Homemaker Learnings from Gogo’s Bosom, is a narrative by a South African based author Jabulile Buthelezi-Kalonji. It is a heartfelt tribute to the foundational essence of matriarchy, a timeless cornerstone of the African society. Through a collection of essays, the author writes as a keen observer of human values that manifest in diverse social settings, offering readers a reflective journey through the fond nuances of life.

She extends an invitation to all of us to reconnect with the enduring and all-encompassing fundamental traits of matriarchal power. The book is inspired by the author's lived experiences, tracing her upbringing in an ordinary yet vibrant black family set. It chronicles basic virtues in leadership, community building, and homemaking, unravelling an intricate tapestry of memory and hope-dreams deferred, and hope bestowed.


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Heart Of A Homemaker by Jabulile Buthelezi-Kalonji
