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Anglican Bishop, Aladekugbe Tasks Christians To Prioritise Soul Winning Above Material Gains

The Lord Bishop of Ibadan North Anglican Diocese, Rt Rev Williams Aladekugbe has described Easter as the core or center of Christianity.

In his Easter message contained in the press release issued and signed by the Diocesan Communicator, Comrade Olugbemiga Ayoade.

According to the bishop, if Jesus didn’t resurrect, our religious activities are in vain for only Easter gives humanity the hope of eternity, backing up his assertion, the clergy apart from Biblical references, quoted former German chancellor Kenrad Adenaver in The Daily Bread saying,”if Jesus Christ is alive, there is hope for the the world, if not I do not see the slightest glimmer of hope in the horizon, added I believe Christ resurrection to be one of those attested facts of history.

RT Rev’d Aladekugbe called on religious bodies especially the Christian preachers to make their teachings soul winning based and not always material gains and prosperity.

Further more,he stressed that Jesus resurrection was evidenced in the fact that He was crucified, buried, raised from the death and that after resurrection appeared to Mary, Thomas and disciples before ascension to heaven.

It would be recalled that Easter is seen as pascha or resurrection Sunday in the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day of His crucifixion.

This post first appeared on Prime News, please read the originial post: here

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Anglican Bishop, Aladekugbe Tasks Christians To Prioritise Soul Winning Above Material Gains
