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Advisor Success Formula: Closing the Gap Between HNW Client Expectations and Advisor Services

With John Bowen, CEO and Founder, CEG Worldwide, LLC


In a more competitive and commoditized world, it’s critical to leverage any advantage available to be more intentional and thoughtful in managing and growing your business. This episode takes a deep dive into John Bowen’s latest report to identify action items that can help advisors get started on a new path to thinking about delivering exactly what clients want.

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NOTE: The views and opinions expressed by the guests on this podcast are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Diamond Consultants. Neither Diamond Consultants nor the guests on this podcast are compensated in any way for their participation.

About this episode…

In the wealth management industry, we often talk about the incongruence between an advisor’s expectations and those of their firm.

But what about the clients? Are their expectations well-aligned with the advisor’s ability to serve them? What if you had an inside look at exactly what products and services your clients wanted most?

Consider how immensely powerful having access to this information could be:

  • You can custom-curate your value proposition, offerings, and service delivery to meet your clients’ specific needs.
  • You can better differentiate your business from others in the field, addressing needs that might otherwise be overlooked by your competitors.
  • Plus, the ability to better serve your clients will foster enduring relationships, more referrals, and sustainable growth.

With all that in mind, John Bowen and his team at CEG Worldwide embarked on a data-driven exercise to determine what high net worth clients want most from their advisors.

Ultimately, they found a significant gap between clients’ expectations and the services that advisors delivered.

In this episode, Louis Diamond and John dive deep into the survey data and come up with valuable insights for all advisors – whether you’re at a wirehouse, regional, boutique, or independent firm – including:

  • What high net worth clients really want from their advisors.
  • How to optimize your service delivery by filling gaps perceived by clients.
  • Whether your firm is helping or hindering your ability to serve clients.
  • How to identify new and unique differentiators for your business based on your clients’ needs.

In a more competitive and commoditized world, it’s critical to leverage any advantage available to be more intentional and thoughtful in how you manage and grow your business. This episode provides action items to help you get started on a new path to thinking about delivering exactly what clients want.

Mentioned in this episode: “Wealth Management Gap Play to Win” report 

Want to learn more about where, why, and how advisors like you are moving? Click to contact us or call 908-879-1002.

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John Bowen
Founder and CEO 

John Bowen is the founder and CEO of CEG Worldwide, the world’s leading coaching firm for financial advisors. Since 2000, Bowen and his team have had the privilege of coaching elite financial advisors to build simple, elegant wealth management businesses that serve their affluent clients extremely well while building lives of significance for themselves, their teams and their loved ones.

Before founding CEG Worldwide, Bowen worked directly with affluent clients as a financial advisor for 26 years, managing up to $2 billion in assets before selling his firm. Following the sale of his firm, he became CEO of Assante Capital Management. Under his leadership, Assante more than tripled assets under management to more than $25 billion.

Bowen is widely recognized as a leader in the financial services industry. Over three decades, he has delivered hundreds of keynote presentations and workshops to thousands of top advisors around the world. For more than 20 years, he wrote a highly acclaimed monthly column for the leading U.S. financial services trade journal, Financial Planning. And he is the author or co-author of more than a dozen books, including Elite Wealth Planning: Lessons from the Super RichThe Wealthy Client Pipeline: Leveraging Thought Leadership to Build Profitable Partnerships with Attorneys and Accountants and Breaking Through: Building a World-Class Wealth Management Business.

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This post first appeared on Perspectives For Financial Advisors From Diamond Consultants, please read the originial post: here

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Advisor Success Formula: Closing the Gap Between HNW Client Expectations and Advisor Services
