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ARTIZSOUL ? Branding & Visual Identity

ARTIZSOUL ? Branding & Visual Identity

Artizsoul helps athletes and artists find their place in the world of sports and entertainment. A dynamic force in the ever-changing realm of sports and entertainment media. To continue this mission, a distinctive visual identity was necessary. The design choices, ranging from an excess of red to stretched fonts, serve as an outward expression of the brand's inner ethos: "The Heartbeat of Dreams". Defined by boldness, the flexibility of the graphic system, the motion graphics, the confident colour palette and the bold typography reflect Artizsoul's commitment to be more than an agency. To be a catalyst, empowering individuals to dream big, create their own paths and support them along the way.

This post first appeared on 5 Reasons Why Your Business Infrastructure Needs Automation |, please read the originial post: here

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ARTIZSOUL ? Branding & Visual Identity
