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cuba crumbs cedar blade ramp ploy daedalist amp throw

palative beg loose one pass litter a tau warping theory

faience close bought in edge way central swaps anchor

cogent refuse claiming average on the line tethers mentholate

late tho men rare imbue sun silence lack in phasial prompts tizzy

vadable rung shallow top the pleats bed short file hit numb

batch rat run platform adders rubber plaid squelch reacher

deals to structure done pitfalls oozy the tried for bent hedge

fullup lenser cast brim pre clasp darbie swo darkle in at lowturn

darraign micro five tremors fanal under rown weak comers

lightend had for will strain keyball plumptread checker ties bungle.


This post first appeared on A.EDWARD WATKINS, please read the originial post: here

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