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East End Letterheads & Receipts

East End Letterheads & Receipts

Join me for THE GENTLE AUTHOR’S TOUR OF THE CITY OF LONDON on Easter Monday 1st April at 2pm



It is my delight to publish this selection of local examples from Philip Mernick‘s astonishing ephemera collection of East End. Many are remarkable for the beauty of their typographic design as well as revealing the wide range of industry and commerce. 

The oldest slop shop in Wapping sold clothing for the slave trade. Click here to read about slave clothing

This advertisement was printed on a one million mark bank note from the German reich, giving it novelty value and also making a bold political statement to customers

All letterheads and receipts courtesy of Philip Mernick

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The Trade Cards of Old London

This post first appeared on Spitalfields Life | In The Midst Of Life I Woke To, please read the originial post: here

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East End Letterheads & Receipts
