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Oysho Distribution Strategy

Oysho Distribution Strategy

Oysho mostly follows a direct distribution strategy, with its stores primarily owned and controlled by the company. The company also leverages a small portion of its distribution via franchised stores, which help enhance its brand and sales.

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Oysho Business Model

Oysho, a popular lingerie and sleepwear retailer offers comfortable and stylish products with a focus on quality and attention to detail. Oysho generates revenue through product sales in both physical stores and online platforms. Their key activities include lingerie design, store operations, and e-commerce management. Strategic partnerships and a target customer base of women of all ages contribute to their success.

Oysho Revenue

Oysho generated €744 million in revenue in 2023, €623 million in 2022, and €600 million in revenue in 2021, compared to €522 million in 2020 and €604 million in 2019.

Oysho Profits

Oysho generated €136 million in profit before tax in 2023, €78 million in profit before tax in 2022, and €89 million in profit before tax in 2021, compared to €43 million in 2020 and €70 million in 2019.

Oysho Stores

In 2023 Oysho had 349 company-managed stores vs. 90 franchised stores. Compared to 369 company-managed stores and 88 franchised stores in 2022.

Oysho Sales By Channel

Oysho generated 81% of its sales from company-managed stores in 2023, vs. 19% from franchised stores.

The post Oysho Distribution Strategy appeared first on FourWeekMBA.

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Oysho Distribution Strategy
