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8 Exercises That Start With Y

8 Exercises That Start With Y

Fitness Apie
8 Exercises That Start With Y

Finding new exercises to keep your fitness routine exciting can be a challenge. You might feel like you’re stuck doing the same workouts over and over again.

Did you know that there are fun exercises out there that start with the letter Y? This article introduces 8 exercises beginning with Y, offering a fresh twist on your workout sessions.

Get ready to explore these exercises.

1. Yoga

Yoga combines slow movements and deep breathing to enhance strength, balance, and flexibility. This mindful practice focuses on body alignment and breath work to promote physical and mental wellness.

How To Do

To get started with yoga, all you need is a comfortable space and a mat. Begin with basic poses like the Mountain Pose or Downward-Facing Dog to establish your foundation.

Focus on your breath: Inhale and exhale deeply, allowing your breath to guide your movements.

Go at your pace: Don’t rush or push yourself too hard. Yoga is a personal journey.

Muscles Worked

Yoga activates a wide array of muscles in your body:

  • Core strength: Engage your abs for better balance and stability.
  • Lower body: Poses like Warrior and Chair strengthen the thighs and glutes.
  • Upper body: Builds shoulder and arm strength through poses like Plank and Chaturanga.


Yoga is more than just physical exercise; its benefits extend to your overall well-being:

  • Stress relief: Combats stress through meditation and breath control.
  • Posture and flexibility: Improves body alignment and increases mobility.
  • Mind-body connection: Enhances awareness and can motivate a more active lifestyle.

Remember, the aim is to marry mind and body, so give yourself the freedom to enjoy each pose and breath you take.

2. Y Incline Raise

Looking to spice up your shoulder day? The Y Incline Raise is a fantastic way to specifically target those deltoids, promoting strength and stability.

Let’s break down the form, dive into the muscles you’ll be engaging, and chat about the benefits that come along for the ride.

How To Do

  • Set up an incline bench at a low angle, ensuring it supports your chest while allowing full arm movement.
  • Lie face down on the bench, positioning yourself so your chest firmly rests against the pad for stability.
  • Grasp dumbbells with each hand, extending your arms forward, forming a ‘Y’ shape. This is your starting position.
  • Exhale and lift the weights upward, keeping your arms straight, till they are in line with your body. Ensure your movements are slow and controlled.
  • Hold the lift briefly at the top of the movement to maximize muscle engagement, then slowly lower back down to the starting position.

Muscles Worked

  • Shoulders (deltoids)
  • Rear deltoids
  • Upper back muscles

The primary focus is on the deltoids, the cap of muscles that cloak your shoulder joints. However, a well-executed Y Incline Raise also recruits the upper back muscles, including the rear deltoids, for a comprehensive upper body workout.


  • Strengthens the deltoids and upper back.
  • Improves shoulder stability and mobility.
  • Can be included in a diverse workout routine.
  • Enhances muscle balance and posture.
  • Versatile – can be performed using dumbbells, cable machines, or resistance bands.

3. Y-Raises

Y-Raises stand out as a compelling exercise for shoulder development and posture enhancement. This resistance training technique zeroes in on the trapezius muscles, rotator cuff, and rhomboids, offering a robust approach to shoulder stability.

How To Do

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the dumbbells at thigh level with palms facing your body.
  • Engage your core and keep your back straight.
  • Lift the dumbbells up and out to the sides, maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Your arms and body should form the shape of a “Y”.
  • Aim for your arms to be in line with your body at shoulder height.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down with the same deliberation and control.
  • Ensure that you’re moving through your shoulder joints, not just swinging your arms.

Muscles Worked

  • Anterior deltoids (front)
  • Medial deltoids (middle)
  • Posterior deltoids (rear)

But that’s not all! Your upper back muscles, including the traps and serratus anterior, join in on the fun, as well as the rotator cuff—crucial for keeping those shoulders healthy and in the game.


  • Strength: They’re dynamite for building up shoulder and upper back strength.
  • Posture: Y-Raises can help improve your posture by targeting those all-important postural muscles.
  • Versatility: Short on time but high on goals? This compound move hits multiple muscles at once, making your workout efficient.

4. Yosakoi

Yosakoi is a dynamic and engaging dance that originates from Japan, bringing with it a host of physical and mental benefits.

This high-energy style not only enhances cardiovascular health but also improves coordination and balance, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to add excitement to their fitness routine.

How To Do

  • Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, a slight bounce in your knees, ready to jump into action.
  • The Moves: Follow choreographed moves that can include arm swings, jumps, stomps, and intricate footwork. Dance to the lively, percussive music that’s specific to Yosakoi.
  • Use of Naruko: Clappers called ‘naruko’ are often used, which not only add to the rhythm but also work out your arms as you click and move them along with the dance steps.
  • Remember, it’s about expressing yourself, so while precision is good, the spirit is key!

Muscles Worked

Dancing Yosakoi is a full-body workout that emphasizes:

  • Legs and Glutes: With all the jumping and stomping, your lower body gets an excellent workout.
  • Core: Your core is constantly engaged to maintain balance and for those twists and bends, enhancing strength and stability.
  • Arms and Shoulders: Moving to the rhythm, especially with the naruko, gives your upper body a workout too.


  • Cardio Workout: It’s a fantastic way to get your heart rate up and can be a fun alternative to your regular cardio routine.
  • Mobility and Flexibility: Flowing through the different movements increases joint mobility and flexibility.
  • Cultural Connection: It’s a chance to engage with and celebrate Japanese culture through its rich dance tradition.
  • Mental Boost: The combination of music, movement, and the joy of dance is perfect for lifting spirits and boosting motivation.

5. Yoga Ball Exercises

Yoga ball exercises, also known as stability ball exercises, offer a versatile way to enhance core strength, balance, and stability.

These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, especially targeting the abdominal muscles for improved tone and strength

How To Do

  • Starting with these exercises is as simple as inflating your stability ball — just make sure it’s the right size for your height. When sitting on the ball, your knees should be at a right angle.
  • Ball Crunches: Sit on the ball, walk your feet out and lean back until your back is supported by the ball, feet hip-width apart. Place your hands behind your head, brace your core, and then lift your shoulders in a crunch motion.
  • Ball Passes: Lie flat on your mat with the ball in your hands. Lift your arms and legs, passing the ball to your feet. Lower both to the ground and then repeat, passing the ball back to your hands.

Just focus on proper form to avoid injury and maximize effectiveness!

Muscles Worked

When you introduce a yoga ball into your workout, you’re not only spicing things up but also targeting a myriad of muscles.

  • Core: Engaging the abs and back during stability ball exercises like crunches and planks tightens that tummy.
  • Lower Body: Moves like ball squats fire up those glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
  • Upper Body: Push-ups on the ball? Oh yes, that’s your chest, shoulders, and arms getting in on the action.


  • Improved Stability: Your body has to work extra hard to maintain balance, which lights up those stabilizing muscles.
  • Increased Core Strength: Keep a steady core while moving about on the ball, and you’re on track for some serious muscle conditioning.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Stretching with a stability ball can lead to looser and happier muscles and joints.
  • Versatility in Workouts: With just one ball, your exercise options multiply, giving your workouts a fresh and exciting feel.

6. Y Dumbbell Press

The Y dumbbell press is a refreshing twist to the classic dumbbell press, targeting your shoulders and upper body for improved posture and strength.

Not just your standard press, this variation has its unique flair. Let’s dig into how you can master the Y dumbbell press and pump up your workout routine.

How To Do

  • Grab your dumbbells: Select weights you’re comfortable with—nothing too heavy to start.
  • Position your feet: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, providing a stable base.
  • Start low: Keep a dumbbell in each hand at hip level, palms facing in.
  • Power up: Exhale as you press the dumbbells upwards and outwards, creating a ‘Y’ shape with your arms.
  • Aim high, but not too high: Your arms should be slightly bent, not locked out.
  • Control is key: Inhale and lower the weights back to the starting position with care.

Muscles Worked

  • Primary muscles: Delts (shoulder muscles), specifically the anterior and lateral heads.
  • Secondary helpers: Trapezius, serratus anterior, and upper chest contribute to the press.


  • Boost overall shoulder strength for those show-stopping lifts.
  • By strengthening your upper back and shoulders, help your posture stay in check.

7. Yolk Walks

Yolk walks stand out as a cornerstone exercise in strongman training, challenging athletes to carry a heavily loaded frame across their shoulders.

This exercise demands high levels of strength, balance, and coordination, making it an essential part of any serious strength training regimen.

How To Do

  • Set the yoke to the right height. It should allow you to squat slightly to get under it.
  • Stand under the yoke bar, resting it comfortably across the back of your shoulders and traps.
  • Grab the supports, engage your core and straighten your legs to lift the yoke.
  • Keep your head up and your back straight to ensure proper posture.
  • Begin walking with short, quick steps to maintain balance.
  • Aim for a designated distance and try to walk as fast as you can without compromising form.

Muscles Worked

  • Core: Keeps you stable and upright. Think of it as your body’s central command center.
  • Legs: From your quads to your calves, your legs push the earth away with each step.
  • Shoulders and Upper Back: They work like a charm to support the weight.
  • Lower Body: Glutes and hamstrings join in to propel you forward.

This exercise doesn’t just target one area; it’s a full-body!


  • Strength: You’re lifting and moving with a considerable weight—that’s a no-brainer recipe for getting stronger.
  • Stability: It’s a balancing act that teaches your body to stay stable under pressure.
  • Workout Efficiency: You’ve got a busy schedule? Yoke walks hit numerous muscle groups at once.
  • Power: Improved explosive strength can be a game-changer for other lifts and sprints.
  • Fun Factor: Who said heavy lifting couldn’t be fun? It’s you versus gravity, make each step count!

Incorporate yoke walks into your routine and watch your strength and muscular endurance reach new heights.

Remember, though, form is key; consult with a coach if you’re new to this exercise to stay safe and make the most of your efforts.

8. Y Standing Raise

The Y Standing Raise isn’t just another workout move; it’s your ticket to stronger shoulders and improved balance.

Let’s break it down and find out why this exercise should be a part of your strength training repertoire.

How To Do

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, a foundation for good balance.
  • With a dumbbell in each hand, let your arms hang at your sides, palms facing inward.
  • Slowly lift those weights outward and upward, making a Y. Your arms should be in line with your body, so no cheating!
  • Pause at the top. Feel that? You’re doing great!
  • Now, lower the dumbbells back with control to avoid any unnecessary strain on those muscles.

Muscles Worked

Primarily, your deltoids are in the spotlight—these are your shoulder muscles, folks.

But the fun doesn’t stop there; you’ll also be on your upper body’s supporting cast, like your trapezius and rotator cuff muscles, to help stabilize and do the heavy lifting.


  • Strengthens Deltoids: This move is like a treasure map leading straight to stronger shoulders.
  • Increases Flexibility: As you lift and lower, you’re also working on that all-important flexibility.
  • Promotes Balance: Because you’re standing, your body’s natural balance systems are at work, making you steadier on your feet with each rep.
  • Versatile: No bench? No problem! This exercise doesn’t need one, making it a versatile move to add to your routine.
  • Upper Body Harmony: By engaging various muscle groups, the standing raise encourages a collaborative effort within your upper body.


Diving into the world of “8 Exercises That Start With Y” offers a unique journey through fitness activities that might not be familiar to everyone.

Engaging with these exercises introduces you to new movements and benefits, expanding your workout routine beyond the usual squats and pushups.

Let’s explore diverse workouts like Yoga and Yolk Walks, which can significantly enhance both your physical health and mental well-being.

Challenge yourself by incorporating these exercises into your regimen for a refreshing twist on staying active.

8 Exercises That Start With Y
Shayla Whitters

This post first appeared on Fitness Apie, please read the originial post: here

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8 Exercises That Start With Y
