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Vitamins are Essential for Vitiligo Management

Vitamins Are Essential For Vitiligo Management

Vitiligo is a skin condition that is characterized by white spots on the skin. This skin depigmentation disorder happens due to the lack of melanin in the skin. No one knows exactly why vitiligo happens but medical researchers have related this disease to an autoimmune disorder in many. Other causes of vitiligo could be the result of genetics, oxidative stress, neural problems, family history, stress, environmental triggers, contact with certain chemicals, or the body’s lack of specific vitamins.

Researchers have conducted test studies on patients with vitiligo. One result these studies reveal is people with vitiligo often lack certain key vitamins. The primary vitamins they consistently lack is B12, folic acid, C, copper, and zinc. Each of these essential nutrients play a key role in the health of skin and its ability to produce color.  These deficiencies also hamper vitiligo healing.

The body’s pigment production process, melanin synthesis, is like a factory. Various vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are needed during different phases on the “assembly line”. If an ingredient is missing or the body cannot make it, then the finished product (pigment) cannot be made.

Vitamin B12 is an important substance for the skin. The reason being is that vitamin B12 regulates metabolism which in effect helps the skin.

All of the missing vitamins can be reintroduced back into a person’s system naturally or with the use of supplements. People who suffer from vitiligo can use Recouleur® Dietary Supplement to help restore vitamins back into the skin.  This convenient tablet combines the correct amounts of missing strategic nutrients.

Because people are different, everyone will not have the same experience. Supplementation is still an important part of vitiligo healing.  Recouleur® makes it easy.

This information is not intended to substitute the advice of a healthcare practitioner.

This post first appeared on NaturWarriors - For Healthier Lives Through Nature!, please read the originial post: here

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Vitamins are Essential for Vitiligo Management
