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Quick Tip: You Can Use Volume Buttons on your iPhone to Take Selfies and More

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you want to take a selfie, but your hand isn’t in a comfortable position to tap the capture button? Or perhaps if you have small hands or fingers, you might struggle to take photos comfortably. However, some shortcuts help you take photos easily one such shortcut is using the volume buttons.

Using the volume buttons, you can quickly take a regular photo or a selfie, or even record a video on your iPhone. Not only this, but you can also use it to take burst photos. While these volume shortcuts may seem straightforward, there are different actions associated with them, if you don’t want to get confused read on to know more.

Use Volume Buttons to Capture Photos and Videos on iPhone

The volume button shortcut isn’t the only way to capture a photo on an iPhone. Obviously, you can ask Siri to take a photo or record a video or trigger the same using the Action Button on the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. However, volume shortcuts are the best and easiest way to capture the perfect shot. Here’s how you can use it on your iPhone to capture beautiful photos.

Before moving ahead, just want to mention that there are two types of actions that work with volume buttons: single-press or quick-press, and long-press. Let’s take a look at each action.

Single Press Actions

One of the coolest hidden features of the iPhone is taking a photo by pressing the volume button. Keep in mind that you need to change the camera mode in the camera app to get the shortcuts to work with the same mode. If you are in portrait mode, then pressing volume buttons will capture a portrait photo and the same goes with other modes.

For availability, single-press or quick-press volume button shortcuts work on all iPhones.

  • Photo Mode: Press the volume up or down to take a photo.
  • Video: Press the volume up or down to start recording. Press the button again to stop recording.
  • Portrait: Press the volume up or down to take a portrait shot.
  • Panorama: For Panorama photos, start taking a photo by pressing the volume up or down. Press the button again to stop the recording.
  • SLO-MO: To record slow-motion videos press the volume up or down to start recording. Press the button again to stop recording.
  • TIME-LAPSE: Press the volume up or down to start recording. Press it again to stop recording.

Long Press Actions

Long Pressing the volume button will work completely differently. Not only this, but the availability of the feature is limited to iPhone Xs, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, and newer models running on iOS 14 or newer. Here’s how long-press actions work.

  • Video Mode: Press and hold the volume up or down button to record a quick video, you can leave the button to stop recording.
  • SLO-MO: Press and hold the volume up or down button to record slow-motion video, leave the key when you want to stop recording.
  • Panorama: Press and hold the volume up or down button to start capturing a panorama shot, and leave the button to stop recording.

Wondering, why I didn’t mention photo mode, well it’s because of the burst mode. Burst mode aka sports mode used to capture a perfect photo in fast-paced events like F1 racing, it will instantly capture multiple photos, allowing you to choose the best shot later on.

Here’s how you can enable burst mode for volume buttons on your iPhone.

Simply head over to Settings > Camera > Turn the toggle on for Use Volume Up for Burst.

Now whenever you press and hold the volume up or down button in Photo mode, it will start taking multiple photos continuously until you release the button.

So, this is all you need to know about the volume button shortcuts for iPhone cameras, if you like this article then share it with your friends.

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The post Quick Tip: You Can Use Volume Buttons on your iPhone to Take Selfies and More appeared first on YTECHB.

This post first appeared on YTECHB, please read the originial post: here

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Quick Tip: You Can Use Volume Buttons on your iPhone to Take Selfies and More
