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Buds – there be life!

It’s the small things that bring me joy. Seeing buds break out of the brown branches on the transplanted pear trees made me squeal with delight.

This year I will keep the trees well-watered as this soil seems to move from wet to dry in almost the blink of an eye. When I transplanted them, I mixed a bag of tree & shrub compost into each hole, hopefully that will help regulate water drainage and retention.

Double joy when I noticed the rhubarb transplants sending out several shoots and even unfurling leaves. They live!

There is a cubic metre of compost brewing which I will use to mulch this bed later in the year. In order to keep the stems red/pink, the soil Ph should be neutral – acidic soil will result in green stems and who enjoys khaki coloured deserts…

There’s no sign of life in the raspberry beds yet but maybe that’s just me being impatient – fingers crossed.

This post first appeared on Allotment Life, please read the originial post: here

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Buds – there be life!
