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Six on Saturday 30/03/2024

It’s been a busy bank holiday weekend so far. I’ve fitted in an obligatory visit to a DIY shed, finished laying the slabs around the greenhouse and replaced a worn-out 6×6 fence panel. There’s just time to share six things in the garden this week.

The sun has been shining more than it’s been raining this week and the garden has responded.

  1. Rhododendron – This is a blousy, bright pink number that came with the house and sits above the north border. I noticed how the buds are swelling. We will soon be in the pink!

2. The north border – I really must cut back the old fronds to allow some air and light into the crown. The wood anemones offer a splash of colour while I’m waiting for the bluebells.

3. Paving – it’s done and the levels are better than allotment standard, so happiness all round. In my excitement, I moved the plant stand to the path forgetting I will need access to the yet-to-be-installed water butts. Back to plan A…

4. View from the patio – the herbaceous border of dreams has space to grow as well as spots reserved for the dahlias who are currently cossetted in the polytunnel. In the foreground is Hydrangea ‘Limelight’ and a white foxglove. The wisteria has just opened some leaf buds along the back of the pergola. My plan is to get it trained across the top beams this year.

5. Sunflowers – our local park has a ‘friends’ group. They work amazingly hard and last year after three years of fundraising and working with a less than helpful borough, had a new playground installed. I help with the wildflower patch and this year I’m responsible for 150 sunflower seedlings that will be given away at the annual park picnic for a community sunflower competition. So far so good…

6. Tulips – I picked my last vase from the Cole Park allotment yesterday and I realised there are no tulips in the front or back garden. I’m drawing up a wish list of varieties in the pink, orange, purple zones for next year.

That’s my six, I’m very happy the heavy lifting is done and only three more fence panels to go! Go steady with those Easter eggs and remember to call by Jim’s to meet the other sixers.

This post first appeared on Allotment Life, please read the originial post: here

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Six on Saturday 30/03/2024
