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Plot progress 31/03/2024

There is progress to report. The new plantings are throwing up new shoots, there is a row of peas in the soil and there are a zillion sycamore seedlings.

This is the rose row, all looking like they would recommend their accommodation.

The rhubarb row is looking healthy, although four crowns of Fulton’s strawberry surprise may test my neighbour’s tolerance If you like your rhubarb pink and red, this is the one for you.

All of the transplanted pears are in full blossom. I’ve promised them this is their forever home.

I succumbed to the bargain shelf at the garden centre in January. There are three varieties of tulip, now known as ‘unlabelled’. The stems are looking a bit stumpy even for my shortest vase – they may put on a growth spurt. At the other end of this bed, I’ve added 20 Sancerre gladioli corms.

I had very little success with strawberries at the old allotment. While I’m waiting for the compost to brew for the raised beds I’ve started 12 plants in grow bags. I saw this method at RHS Wisley – if it’s good enough for the RHS… There are 6 Sonata, 2 Royal Sovereign, 2 Cambridge Favourite and 2 Fenella.

This is root vegetable central. These will be used for carrots and parsnips to be sown later in April. I’m still debating whether to plant some of the potato tubers in containers or maybe a few grow bags cut in half. I’ll let you know what I decide.

Today I finished planting out the peonies. There are twelve plants in total and if they all settle in, I will need considerably more vases. There are 3 x Duchesse de Nemours, 3 x Sarah Bernhardt, 2 Eden’s Perfume, 3 x Coral Sunset and 1 x Monsieur Jules Elie. I’ve offset the plants to fit them all in this 5m row.

As well as the sycamore seedlings sprouting all over, there are several of these fungi popping up – I assume as a result of manure and wood chippings. Do any of you know what type?

I don’t have photographic evidence to share with you, but four of the asparagus crowns have sent up shoots – there is life!

This post first appeared on Allotment Life, please read the originial post: here

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Plot progress 31/03/2024
