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How Long Do Tomatoes Take To Grow?

With summer weather conditions becoming ever more unreliable, we must make the most of the short period of sunny days to maximise the production of warm-season crops like tomatoes. By timing our sowing and transplanting dates carefully, the first tomatoes start to ripen just as the heat of summer arrives, and continue to produce a crop right through until mid-autumn.

Tomatoes take about three months from sowing to produce a crop, but this can vary widely depending on the variety and local weather conditions. Fast-growing tomato varieties in warm conditions can produce a crop in as little as 60 days, while slower-maturing varieties in cooler weather may take twice as long.

When growing tomatoes from seed, it takes up to eight weeks from the sowing date until the young plants are large enough for transplanting into their final growing conditions. This is followed by a rapid period of vegetative growth over a few weeks, where the plants quickly increase in height and develop an abundance of lush green foliage. Finally, small yellow flowers will appear on trusses which, when pollinated, turn into tomatoes.

Once you see the first tiny fruit appearing on your tomato plants, it can feel like an agonising wait until the first crop is ready to harvest! It takes each fruit about three weeks to grow to full size, and then another three weeks to ripen fully. But when you finally get to try that first delicious sun-ripened tomato, it will definitely be worth the wait!

Tomato growth timeline:

  • Germination: 8-10 days
  • Seedling phase: 25-35 days
  • Vegetative growth: 20-25 days

Following this, flowers will appear and fruit production will commence.

How can I make my tomatoes grow faster?

If speed is a priority, pick tomato varieties that are faster to mature. This is particularly important in cooler regions with a shorter summer growing season. Early maturing tomato varieties include Black Cherry, Golden Sunrise, and Honey Moon.

The growth rate of tomato plants speeds up considerably in the right weather conditions – if growth is slow, your plants are likely too cold. It is important to remember that tomatoes are a warm-season crop from tropical regions. So, when we grow them in cooler climates, a little extra nurturing can go a long way.

The trickiest phase for tomato plants is the period straight after transplanting, as the soil may not have warmed up sufficiently and the likelihood of cooler weather is high. Warm the soil by covering it with black plastic a few weeks before transplanting, and cover young tomato transplants with cloches or fleece helps to protect them until warmer weather eventually arrives.

Finally, careful pruning can help speed up tomato plant growth, helping to concentrate growth where it is needed to produce a good crop. Ensure to support the main stem to prevent breakage, and pinch out side shoots as they appear. Once the first fruit trusses have set, any leaves below them can also be removed.

The post How Long Do Tomatoes Take To Grow? appeared first on Gardening Blog at Seed Parade - Growing Advice and General Gardening Help.

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How Long Do Tomatoes Take To Grow?
