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14 Spring Flowering Trees & Shrubs Worth Knowing in Zone 6!

A lot of the most GORGEOUS flowering trees and shrubs bloom during the 3-months of spring and it's hard not to be mesmerized when they're in flower. Blooms come in many colors, shapes, and sizes. The showy bracts of the dogwood (Cornus), the pea-like flowers of  both the redbud (Cercis), and yellowwood (Cladrastis.) Shrubs with red foliage and smoke-like flowers in smokebush (Cotinus), white flower panicles in both the false spirea (Sorbaria), and oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea).  Enjoy this post featuring 14 all-time favorite trees and shrubs for your spring garden.

This post first appeared on Passionate Gardeners – Non-Stop Gardening Tips &, please read the originial post: here

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14 Spring Flowering Trees & Shrubs Worth Knowing in Zone 6!
