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Three Deadlines

In “Secret Engine of the World, published in 2021, I articulated “Three Deadlines.” Two for this country, the 2022 and 2024 federal elections. Without significant success in both, we will not survive as a democratic republic.One for the planet as a whole, the year 2031, one decade on from the book’s release date. That’s the year I take to be the point of no return. Either we will have decisively moved on from our climate-destroying, resource devouring ways, or extinction itself is in play.

The First Deadline, the 2022 mid-term, has passed.

We survived, overall. We defied “conventional wisdom” in some ways, we advanced on several fronts, but we also suffered a serious setback, narrowly losing the Speaker’s gavel to the zombie death cult and its orc captains.

This talk will address the Second Deadline, the 2024 federal election.

Mystical Ward Healer

Merriam-Webster definition -

ward heeler (noun): a worker for a political boss in a ward or other local area

Yes, I declare it unequivocally, unabashedly, I am acting as a mystical ward healer for the Democratic Party in the 2024 election.

I say a “mystical ward healer” because I am not just using a political rational, or the political calculus, I am also drawing on the mystical rationale, the occult rationale, the spiritual rationale, the existential rationale, the HUMAN rationale, the HUMANE rationale …

My goal is to reach as many of you as possible. And to call on you for the sake of all sentient beings to CHOOSE SIDES and VOTE. Not just for President, but for Senator and Congressional Representative, for Governor, and Secretary of State, and State Attorney General, and Mayor, and School Board, all of it, every line on the ballot, up and down the ballot …

Red Deer Medicine

Over the years, since I started speaking out in 2010, I have often referred to what my Yoda, the legendary American sage Joe Miller, called “the Power of Nothing” and also to the critical “100 Years” that he told me about late one night in the early 1980s. So I am not going to go back over all that again here. You can look it up in “Wyrds of Power” “I, the Dragon” and “Secret Engine”

All three touch on those vital insights.

But for here and now, in this talk, hurtling toward this particular deadline, I will add a third theme to go along with “the Power of Nothing” and “the 100 Years” - Red Deer Medicine.

The red deer of Eurasia live in large herds, spending lots of time either grazing or lying down to ruminate. Some deer are ready to move on before others are, and scientists have noticed that herds only move when 60 percent of the adults stand up — essentially voting with their feet. Even if a dominant individual is more experienced and makes fewer mistakes than its underlings, herds typically favor democratic decisions over autocratic ones. A major reason for this, according to research by biologists Larissa Conradt and Timothy Roper, is that groups are less impulsive: "Democratic decisions are more beneficial primarily because they tend to produce less extreme decisions, rather than because each individual has an influence on the decision per se." - Seven examples of animal democracy, Mother Nature Network, November 4, 2012, Center for Biological Diversity

I want you to feel into this conviction that Democracy isn’t only a human concept or something exclusive to humans, it’s not just a human scheme. It exists elsewhere in Nature, it is something that has occurred to Gaia, in her scintillant, limitless intelligence. And indeed it has emerged from within Gaia herself, not for every species, but also not just for ours alone, for many other species as well, from honey bees to chimpanzees, in one way or another.

Now we not a pure democracy. Nor would we really want to be. We are a democratic republic. The Constitution, which is an ever evolving organism, provides structure, e.g. the three branches of government, and establishes verities, e.g. the Bill of Rights. We are a republic that uses democratic institutions to determine its direction. It doesn’t always work out in the best way, the highest way, the deepest way, the most human/humane way, but it often does, and in our experience here in America, at the most crucial moments, at the most critical moments, at the most perilous moments, the herd, the multitude, the majority does move in the wiser direction, the better direction … This happens when enough of us click into our innate common sense, achieving critical mass, and then a collective common sense arises. It happens when enough of us click into our innate conscience, achieving critical, so that a collective conscience arises. It is this luminous individual and collective common sense, this pulsating individual and collective conscience that can, that will, that must bring us through.

So Much More Than Poetical Maxims

“Macrocosm within Microcosm, Microcosm within Macrocosm”

In the West, this maxim bubbled up among the ancient Greeks … It made Aristotle uncomfortable, so that’s good … It got more traction in the Renaissance, with that period’s Hermetic and Neo-Platonist influences ... Bruno, Paracelsus & Robert Fludd …

“Chop Wood, Carry Water”

This saying is from a well-worn Chan/Seon/Zen tale.

The sage is asked, “What did you do before you came to direct, immediate realization of the nature of reality?” “I chopped wood and carried water.”

“What did you do after you came to direct, immediate realization of the nature of reality?” “Chopped wood and carried water.”

Most of us have heard both these poetical, philosophical sayings many times.

Familiar with them, we hear what we want to hear or have been told to hear. They are shiny, clean, reassuring, even calming … BUT in the course of this talk I am going to reveal some other dimensions of meaning to both.

Politics is HOLY. UGLY and HOLY. Likewise, Geopolitics, UGLY and HOLY. These two so much more than poetical maxims apply directly to both. Yes, Microcosm within Macrocosm, & Macrocosm within Microcosm. Politics and Geopolitics. What happens in one intimately interacts and influences what happens in the other. And voting, protesting, engaging, raising money, donating money, volunteering at call banks, showing up, raising your voice, whispering, reaching out, and yes staying somehow in touch with what’s really going on, or at least relying on a trusted friend who does, all of this is … Chopping Wood and Carrying Water …


We will start this exploration at the Macrocosmic Level -

So, in 2010, the true voice of my deepest inner guidance spoke to me: “It’s time to make your move.” That’s what I heard, and felt, and knew. When I opened my mouth to speak, I found myself talking about “THE SINGULARITY IN ANTICIPATION OF I”

That’s what the moment felt like to me. Indeed, the title of the first series of talks (there would be many more) & by extension the title of the first in a series five books became “Between Shadow & Light, The Singularity in Anticipation of Itself” (2012).

These are the five books that would eventually by compiled in & subsumed by “Wyrds of Power” (2017).

While ”the Best & the Brightest” were all (& still are) fretting debating mentally masturbating over an AI Singularity, I was suggesting that we ourselves this species had become a Singularity an Impossibility which would either result in our extinction or lead to something utterly new version of us, a new iteration of our species.

EXCERPT: What I suggest to you is that the human race, in its journey of self-discovery, has created a singularity; the life we have made for ourselves is unsustainable, our genius for developing has eclipsed our capacity to reduce the mass of our ignorance, our population is growing beyond all nature’s built-in checks and balances, our demand for fresh water and our exploitation of soil have outstripped the capacity of these vital resources to renew themselves, our climate is deteriorating, our oceans are dying, our collective footprint has begun to crush the world on which we depend, we are no longer walking in this world, we are walking over this world, and crushing it beneath us. The political, economic and religious structures with which we frame our shared reality have caved in on themselves. With our genius and our ignorance, we have created an impossibility, and we are fueling it every moment of every day. There is no way out of this impossibility, because what could lead us out is leading deeper into it at every twist and turn. We cannot turn, we cannot change course. We cannot stop sliding backward, and yet we cannot stop hurtling forward. Our problems have become our solutions; our solutions have become our problems. This impossibility is our crisis. It has a created a singularity. What will come from this singularity? If anything but extinction (or near extinction) comes from this crisis, it will be because something unforeseen, something unprecedented, something miraculous, something utterly new emerges from this singularity, i.e., from within us, in the midst of our meltdown, after everything has gone on full-tilt. We are the singularity, and we are poised here in anticipation of what will emerge from the unthinkable, unimaginable collapse of our collective self. Therefore, we must learn to see in the dark. - Richard Power, Wyrds of Power: New Language for A New Reality (2017) [Otiginally, “Between Shadow & Night” (2012) and republished in “Wyrds of Power” (2017)

Civilizational Meltdown, Evolutionary Crisis!

In 2010, I wrote and spoke of “The Singularity in Anticipation of Itself” In 2017, a year into Trump, I declared ”The Singularity has Arrived” 

Occult Cosmology

There is some context for my premise, my postulate, I found a couple of strands of occult cosmology that offer a backdrop …

There is legend which relates to it all, & there is even math …

HP Blavatsky wrote of a “Ring Pass Not” that quarantines the Solar System.

One of the many occult terms found in H. P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine is what is called the “Ring-Pass-Not,” an intriguing term found in Śloka 6 of Stanza V. It is prefaced by a series of geometrical symbols, which can be interpreted numerically as representing the mathematical value pi, a number (3.1415) used to calculate the circumference of a given circle when only the diameter of that circle is known. In his Occult Glossary, G. de Purucker provides a definition that only deepens the mystery: A profoundly mystical and suggestive term signifying the circle or bounds of frontiers within which is contained the consciousness of those who are still under the sway of the delusion of separateness—and this applies whether the Ring be large or small. It does not signify any one especial occasion or condition, but is a general term applicable to any state in which an entity, having reached a certain stage of evolutionary growth of the unfolding of consciousness, finds itself unable to pass into a still higher state because of some delusion under which the consciousness is laboring, be that delusion mental or spiritual. Purucker goes on to explain that although the phenomenon of a Ring-Pass-Not applies to globes, planetary chains, solar systems, and so forth, the main point to remember is that it pertains in some mysterious way to “phases or states of consciousness.” Blavatsky adds to the mystery when she says, “The full Initiate knows that the Ring ‘Pass-Not’ is neither a locality nor can it be measured by distance, but that it exists in the absoluteness of infinity.” THE MYSTERY OF THE “RING-PASS-NOT”

The human race will not be able to physically travel beyond the “Ring Pass Not” around this solar system unless and until it has evolved beyond its pathologies, its “seven deadly sins,” its cruelty, its short-sightedness …

This isn’t just some special effect in a Star Trek re-run on the SyFy channel. No, there is math! Math that I suggest actually points to the Ring-Pass-Not. Math that shows us something about what it might really be, how it might really work, what it actually is.

In 1961, astrophysicist Frank Drake produced “a probalistic argument used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way” (Wikipedia).

Drake's Equation:

N = R* • fp • ne • fl • fi • fc • L


N = The number of civilizations in The Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.

R* =The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life.

fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.

ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.

fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.

fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.

fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.

L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

- SETI Institute - The Drake Equation  

So those last two -

fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.

L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

That’s it right there, right around fc and L, that’s where we have been for a while now. This is where we are. With one foot we are stepping into the great shift toward a green, woke, feminist civilization, and yet, SIMULTANEOUSLY, with our other foot we are stepping off the cliff and into the abyss. We are at the cusp, forward from this moment, it’s either the upward, onward arc of human evolution, OR the downward spiral of devolution into an Age of the Orcs. The Ring-Pass-Not is coded into us. Either we choose altruism and sustainability, and the Vulcan ambassador will lead a delegation welcoming us to the “Federation of Planets,” or we degenerate. That’s what these three thresholds are all about.

This Singularity is us, our civilization in the “Ring-Pass-Not” moment of truth. It’s Pass or Fail. This is either the beginning or the end. This century.


Here and now, within this Singularity, the Planetary Climate Emergency and the Sixth Great Extinction overshadow all else.

There is no call to action more urgent, no need that is more desperate.

This is true for everyone and everything everywhere.
  • Hurricane waves are getting 20% larger each decade  - EcoWatch (1/11/24)

  • In Death Valley, “Lake Manly, which dried up thousands of years ago, has reformed …” - Washington Post (3/4/24)
  • The Gulf Stream system could collapse as soon as 2025, a new study suggests. The shutting down of the vital ocean currents, called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Amoc) by scientists, would bring catastrophic climate impacts. Amoc was already known to be at its weakest in 1,600 years owing to global heating and researchers spotted warning signs of a tipping point in 2021. The new analysis estimates a timescale for the collapse of between 2025 and 2095, with a central estimate of 2050, if global carbon emissions are not reduced. Evidence from past collapses indicates changes of temperature of 10C in a few decades, although these occurred during ice ages … Amoc carries warm ocean water northwards towards the pole where it cools and sinks, driving the Atlantic’s currents. But an influx of fresh water from the accelerating melting of Greenland’s ice cap and other sources is increasingly smothering the currents. A collapse of Amoc would have disastrous consequences around the world, severely disrupting the rains that billions of people depend on for food in India, South America and west Africa. It would increase storms and drop temperatures in Europe, and lead to a rising sea level on the eastern coast of North America. It would also further endanger the Amazon rainforest and Antarctic ice sheets - Damian Carrington, “Gulf Stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests,” Guardian (7/25/23)

Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed by it all. Just keep it simple.

Here @climate.change.communications shows how:

“Five facts. Ten words. It’s real. It’s us. It’s bad. Scientists agree.There’s hope.”  

Hope!?!? Yes.

@climate.change.communications has numbers too:
  • 70% of Americans say “no” to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
  • 74% of Americans think CO2 should be regulated as a pollutant
  • 75% of Americans say schools should teach about global warming
  • 81% support creating more parks and green spaces in low income communities and communities of color
  • 82% support federal funding to help farmers improve practices to protect and restore the soil so it absorbs and stores more carbonThe Red Deer have gotten the message. 

We are shifting from a false debate about whether or not climate change is real to true debate about whether or not we are doing enough.

Of course we aren’t, but we’ve come a long way in the last few years.

World War 3

In one way, in a very real way, we are already in the throes of WW3. Putin is waging 21st Century information warfare against the democracies of the West. It all started in 2014, when Putin attacked the sovereign nation of Ukraine and seized the Crimea. In 2016, the conflict escalated further with Putin’s fueling of Brexit in Britain & Trump/MAGA in the U.S.A. These two abominations were designed to weaken the Western alliance & thereby contribute to the overturning the established world order that relies heavily on that alliance. Using PSYOPS & cyber war, leveraging the hypnotic power & vast reach of social media, while also utilizing old-fashioned spy craft ala “Red Sparrow” and “Killing Eve,” Putin has exploited the inherent vulnerabilities of democratic societies.

In the U.S.A., he has effectively co-opted one of the two major parties, turning the Republican Party into an asset. Unfortunately, many among us don’t know how to recognize it for what it is, or simply refuse to. Far too many of us are in denial. 

This is not a reigniting of the Cold War. Disbelieving friends on the Left want to make it out to be so. It is something totally different. This is not Soviet communism. This is the rise of the Russian organized crime. Something I was warning about in briefings, 25 years ago … 

Also, as you shall see in this presentation, in a very real way & for very good reason, WW3 IS A WAR ON WOMEN.

So Much More Than Hashtag Slogans

So YES, WW3 is a war on women and girls, a war on Gaia Herself, a war on the Ascending of the Feminine, the Deep Feminine … In several dimensions -- societal, political, economic, psychological, evolutionary, mystical …

Just as the Climate Emergency and the Sixth Great Extinction reflect the enslavement of Gaia in the Age of Patriarchy and Oligarchy, so too the aggression that led to these three hashtag slogans reflect a reactionary backlash against the Ascendancy of the Feminine and the civilizational shift that depends on it … A green, woke, feminist civilization, that’s where we’re going, that’s what is being birthed, that is our aspiration, that is what our circumstances call for, that Gaia demands of us. We want to L-I-V-E. Spell L-I-V-E backwards? Yes, E-V-I-L. And E-V-I-L die hard. That’s why this is such a dangerous moment in human herstory.

Ever since 2016, friends have asked me “how is it all going?” My answer throughout has been “It’s all going very well, therefore, we are in great danger.”

The three entities that these hashtag slogans target - Putin’s Russia, the so-called “the Islamic Republic of Iran” and Hamas - are all allied.

Iran provides weapons for Russia in its war against Ukraine.

Russia and Iran are Hamas’ sponsors.

And all three are using rape as a weapon of war.
  • Rape constitutes a war crime under the Geneva Conventions that establish international legal standards for conduct of armed conflicts. Widespread or systematic sexual violence amount to crimes against humanity. Rape is used as a part of a Russian terror tactic arsenal. Its use meant not only to devastate individual victims, but to send out a message of intimidation, punishment, and subjugation to the targeted country ... According to Think Global Health, sexual violence during war can be divided into three overarching categories: 1) Deliberate war tactic, widely committed with an intentional purpose; 2) Tolerated, but not specifically ordered, by leaders; 3) Committed independently -- @Saint Javelin


Mariupol “City of Mary” - 540,000 population, 400,000 became refugees, 140,000 were trapped there, 8 weeks of bombing, fell to the Russians in May 2022, as many as 25,000 Ukrainians died in Mariupol, at the hands of the Russians
  • On Mar. 16, 2022, Russia conducted an air strike on the #Drama Theatre in #Mariupol, #Donetsk region. At the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of #Ukraine, the theatre was a shelter for more than a thousand Mariupol residents, including #women and #children. People wrote “CHILDREN” on the ground in front of the building to protect themselves. As a result of the Russian attack on the Mariupol Drama Theatre, approximately 300 people [innocent civilians] were estimated to have been killed. -
  • Bucha and Bucha district. 33 days of occupation. More than 1,400 deaths, including 37 children. More than 175 people were found in mass graves and torture chambers. - @saintjavelin

  • Russian forces committed more than 9,000 war crimes in Kyiv Oblast's city of Bucha and its district, Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin said on March 31. - @saintjavelin

  • The International Criminal Court has issued (March 2023) an arrest #warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova. The ICC alleges Putin is responsible for war crimes, including the unlawful deportation of #children from #Ukraine to Russia -

  • The so-called "stolen generation," of Ukrainian children are usually adopted by Russian families and brainwashed with Russian propaganda, stripping them of their Ukrainian identity and taking them away from living relatives. The deportation of Ukrainian children to Russian territory is a war crime and constitutes genocide according to one of the five definitions given in the United Nations' Genocide Convention - @kyivindependent_official

  • “Castration, gang-rape, forced nudity: How Russia’s soldiers terrorise Ukraine with sexual violence” – Telegraph (11/28/22).

  • Russian troops are using violence against women as a weapon of war with rape victims as young as 4 and as old as 85, according to Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska. In a speech to MPs and peers on Tuesday evening, Zelenska – the wife of Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy – accused Russian forces of sexual violence and rape during the months-long Ukraine crisis, which is now heading into a long winter. - Olena Zelenska: Russian troops raped four-year-old girl in Ukraine, Yahoo News (11/30/23)

Through line to Iran

The “Islamic Republic” of Iran is allied with Putin’s Russia. They are supporting Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. They are supplying weapons to the Russians. And yes the “Islamic Republic” is also using rape as a weapon of war – in this instance, against its own female population.

  • For decades, gender inequality and discrimination against women have been legally enshrined in Iran. Under Iran's Islamic Penal Code, Iranian women's rights are severely restricted, a form of gender apartheid. Women must comply with the Islamic Republic’s mandatory hijab laws from the onset of puberty, and they are unequal in matters of marriage, divorce, custody, inheritance and more. In the Fall of 2022, hundreds of protesters, including dozens of children, have been killed by Iranian authorities. These nation‑wide protests were triggered by the tragic death of 22 year old Mahsa Jina Amini who died in police custody after being arrested by Iran’s “morality police” for failing to properly cover her hair. -
  • Iran uses rape, torture to silence detained Mahsa Amini protesters, Amnesty says, France 24, 6/12/23
  • Iran’s repression of protesters and women amounts to ‘crimes against humanity,’ UN report says, CNN, 3/8/24

  • Armita Abbasi, a 20-year-old woman from Karaj, near Tehran … Armita had multi-colored dyed hair and an eyebrow piercing. She wrote about her life, cats and dreams on Instagram until she was arrested in October 2022 for joining the “Woman, Life, Freedom” protest movement triggered by the September death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of morality police … A lot of what we know about Armita’s detention was revealed in a shocking report published by US television news network CNN on November 21, 2022. The report was titled “How Iran’s security forces use rape to quell protests.” Earlier, private Instagram messages between medical staff of Karaj’s Imam Ali Hospital circulated on social media and mentioned the case of a young woman who was brought by security forces to the hospital one week after her arrest. This woman was suffering from symptoms associated with violent sexual assault such as hemorrhage and rectal lacerations. The security agents took Armita away before her family arrived at the hospital. The young woman’s head was shaved, and she was trembling out of fear. The medics wrote about the horror they felt when they saw evidence of brutal rape. “When she first came in, [the officers] said she was hemorrhaging from her rectum…due to repeated rape. The plainclothes men insisted that the doctor write it as rape prior to arrest,” one of the messages reads … - “She Suffered Beyond Belief:” 20-Year-Old Armita, A Symbol Of Iranian Resistance, Iran Wire, 1/31/23
Unlike many others, Armita Abbasi made it out - alive.

Through Line to Hamas

Putin and the “Islamic Republic” are sponsors of Hamas.

And lo and behold, here again is rape as a weapon of war.

  • Evidence points to systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Hamas in 7 October attacks, Guardian, 1/18/24

  • Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape, Times of Israel, 2/21/24

  • Hamas had a premeditated plan to use sexual violence as a weapon of war, an Israeli women's rights campaigner and lawyer has said, Israeli campaigner, BBC, 12/4/23
    • Prof Ruth Halperin-Kaddari said she saw footage of women in several locations whose condition left her in "no doubt" that they had been raped. There has been anger over the delay of some UN bodies to acknowledge claims of Hamas's sexual atrocities on 7 October. - Hamas planned sexual violence as weapon of war 
  • Hamas' Most Horrific Weapon of War: 5 Takeaways from UN Report on Sexual Violence Against Israelis, American Jewish Committee, 3/12/24
    • Examiners found evidence that conflict-related sexual violence took place on October 7
    • There is “clear and convincing information” that sexual violence continues and hostages are still at risk.
    • The UN report should put to rest deniers’ appalling claims that allegations of sexual violence by Hamas on October 7 are unsupported
    • Hamas’ use of sexual violence as a weapon of war is clear.
    • Hamas must be held accountable.

As I told you at the beginning, it really is much more complex than you want it to be. So many among us have been so deeply played. This conflict was designed (in Moscow & Tehran) to break minds & divide people in the West & particularly in the run-up to the November 2024 U.S. presidential election. 

The leaders of Hamas who live in luxury far from Gaza were paid very well for their blood sport. Hamas is not a liberation movement, it is more like the Wagner Group. I pray that your eyes are opened.
Rape is not an act of resistance, nor is self-immolation. Please do not excuse the one or exalt the other. Such horrors. Yes, many have been so deeply played. 

What must happen? 

Hamas must be destroyed. 

Netanyahu & his cronies must be removed from power & face accountability for their crimes. 

There must be a two state solution. BTW, that’s something neither Hamas or the Israeli right wing want. 

Yes, it’s much more complicated than you want it to be. Hamas instigated this war, & welcomed the deaths of its own innocents. You want a ceasefire, I want a ceasefire, but Hamas doesn’t. 

Putin needed this distraction from his war crimes in Ukraine. The “Islamic Republic” needed this distraction from its own ongoing femicide. Netanyahu needed this distraction from the massive protests against him in the streets of Tel Aviv. And yes, Trump needed this distraction from Biden’s success and his own numerous civil & criminal trials. Make no mistake about what is really going on. Putin wants Trump to win so he can succeed in his war on Ukraine. Netanyahu wants Trump to win so that he can do what Trump has publicly exhorted him to do -“finish the job”

Yes, it’s a very complex situation, but this much is certain: Hamas must be destroyed. Netanyahu must be removed from power and face the consequences of his crimes. There must be a two-state solution with sovereignty and security for both peoples

Through line to the U.S.A. Putin sponsors MAGA.


In the red states, misogynistic MAGA rulers are inflicting unbearable suffering to American women and girls.


Since SCOTUS with its three Trump-appointed justices put an end to Roe v Wade, abortion bans with NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE OR INCEST have passed in Tennessee, Texas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana and Missouri. Oh and Mississippi has an exception for rape, but not for incest.


Well, guess what …


Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, 26,000 women and girls in Texas were impregnated by their rapists


One of the Houston area's top elected officials [Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo] criticized Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other state leaders after a recent study published in a peer-reviewed medical journal estimated that more than 26,000 Texas women became pregnant by rape after abortion was banned in the state, which offers no exceptions for cases of rape or incest. The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined rape-related pregnancies in the 14 U.S. states that have implemented total abortion bans since a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2022 overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision from 1973. Texas was estimated to have the most rape-related pregnancies among those states, accounting for about 40% of the total. – Houston Public Media, “Lina Hidalgo criticizes Texas’ abortion ban after study estimates thousands of rape-related pregnancies” 1/26/24


And of course, it isn’t just the victims of rape and incest who are being subjugated in this hateful and barbaric way. They seek to control the lives and destinies of all women.


Kate Cox, the 31-year old mother of two who recently sued the State of Texas for the right to terminate her fatal nonviable pregnancy, has fled Texas to receive an abortion according to her lawyers at the Center for Reproductive Rights. Almost immediately after Cox won a judicial restraining order to receive the needed procedure, Texas appealed the decision to the State Supreme Court who halted the judge's ruling. Disgraced Texas A.G. Ken Paxton threatened any doctor who performed the abortion with felony charges, even though an abortion was necessary to save Cox's fertility or even her life.  From a statement from the Center for Reproductive Rights:

UPDATE: After a week of legal whiplash and threats of prosecution from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, our client Kate Cox has been forced to flee her home state of Texas to get the time-sensitive abortion care needed to protect her health and future fertility. Kate has been unable to get an abortion in Texas, even though her fetus has a fatal condition and continuing the pregnancy threatens her future fertility. – Meidas Touch, Kate Cox Forced to Flee Texas After Court Halts Her Abortion, 12/11/23


This is not who we are, this is not what America has chosen to be over the many decades since the defeat of fascism in WWII. This is not what the West is, this is not what the Western Alliance is. This is what Putin’s Russia is, this is what the “Islamic Republic” of Iran is, this is what Hamas is.


It is very important that you understand what MAGA may try to do between the election and the inauguration, & what they are preparing to do after the take power whether legitimately or illegitimately.


Altruism v. Sociopathy, Democracy v. Authoritarianism


What They Are Planning for the Time Between the Election Itself & the Inauguration


First, Republicans need to make sure they’re in control of the House of Representatives on January 6th, 2024, when the new president will be certified. To do that, even though Democrats might have won enough seats to take back the House in the 2024 election, Speaker Johnson will refuse to swear into Congress on January 3rd a handful of those Democrats, claiming there are “irregularities” in their elections that must be first investigated …

There’s nothing Democrats can legally do to stop Speaker Johnson from pulling this off: he can postpone swearing a member in for as long as he wants. That keeps Speaker “MAGA Moscow Mike” Johnson in charge of the House, so they can also refuse to accept the Electoral College certificates of election from a handful of states where they claim there are “problems” …  Then, regardless of how many votes Biden won by, electoral or popular, the House simply refuses to certify the electoral college votes of enough states that the minimum of 270 isn’t reached. Under the 12th Amendment, like with the election of 1876, that throws the election to the House, where each state has one vote. While a majority of Americans live in a state run by Democrats, a majority of the states themselves are run by Republicans. Each state gets one vote for president in the House, and right now 26 state delegations are GOP-controlled, meaning that a majority of the House would simply vote to put Trump back into the White House, 26-23 (Pennsylvania’s delegation is 50/50). All totally legal. The Putin/Trump caucus in the House — led by Speaker Johnson — has largely given up on democracy when elections don’t give them power. As outrageous as this scenario sounds, they justify it to themselves as being essential to “save America” from “woke” Democrats … The best way to prevent this from happening is to widely publicize their scheme so public opinion will become so intense that they fear the consequences. It’s a thin thread holding our republic together, but at least it’s something. Pass it along. – Thom Hartmann, “The New ‘Over the Top’ Secret Plan on How Fascists Could Win in 2024” (2/26/24)


What Are They Planning to Do If They Regain Power


Project 2025 is an initiative of the Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think tank that has helped staff and set the agenda for every Republican administration since Ronald Reagan … GOP operatives have already crafted an expansive blueprint, 887 pages long, laying out in painstaking detail how they intend to govern, including plans to leverage virtually every arm, tool and agency of the federal government to attack abortion access. The document explicitly names their intention not just to rescind FDA approval for the abortion pill if they regain control of the White House in 2024, but to revive a 150-year-old law that criminalizes sending or receiving through the mail any “article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine or thing” that could be used to facilitate an abortion. That law, the Comstock Act, is viewed as a de facto federal abortion ban by reproductive rights advocates and anti-abortion activists alike. -  Rolling Stone, Inside the MAGA Plan to Attack Birth Control, Surveil Women and Ban the Abortion Pill, 12/22/23


Former President Trump's allies are pre-screening the ideologies of thousands of potential foot soldiers, as part of an unprecedented operation to centralize and expand his power at every level of the U.S. government if he wins in 2024, officials involved in the effort tell Axios. Why it matters: Hundreds of people are spending tens of millions of dollars to install a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across government to rip off the restraints imposed on the previous 46 presidents. The screening for ready-to-serve loyalists has already begun, driven in part by artificial intelligence from tech giant Oracle, contracted for the project. Social media histories are already being plumbed … If Trump were to win, thousands of Trump-first loyalists would be ready for legal, judicial, defense, regulatory and domestic policy jobs. His inner circle plans to purge anyone viewed as hostile to the hard-edged, authoritarian-sounding plans he calls "Agenda 47” … The bottom line: This Trump-allied machine has the most power over the formation of a potential future government of any group in U.S. history. Trump, if elected, will leverage it to do things with government that none of us has seen in our lifetime.. - Axios, “Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented power grab” (11/13/23)

Former top officials from Donald Trump’s administration are warning he is likely to use a second term to overhaul the nation’s spy agencies in a way that could lead to an unprecedented level of politicization of intelligence … POLITICO talked to 18 former officials and analysts who worked in the Trump administration, including political appointees from both parties and career intelligence officers, some who still speak to the former president and his aides and had insight into conversations about his potential second term. A number of them were granted anonymity to avoid provoking backlash and to speak freely about their experience working with him. Others are now vocal Trump critics and spoke publicly. “He wants to weaponize the intelligence community …,” said Fiona Hill, a top Russia adviser on the National Security Council in Trump’s administration who has regularly criticized his policies … Trump’s demands for “loyalty” — often read as a demand to skew findings to fit his political agenda — have not been limited to his spy agencies, but in the intelligence world, those demands carry particularly dire risks, they said. - Politico, “The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community on edge,” 2/26/24


A Rare Opportunity


So what will it look like if we survive this threat, if we shift through, if we emerge from the worm hole on the other side of this singularity?

This post first appeared on Words Of Power, please read the originial post: here

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