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The Religious Right's Pyrrhic Victory (Or, The Cost of Using Trump As A Representative)

Trump began selling Bibles this week to raise money for his trial for using campaign funds to pay for sex with a porn star.

There is nothing else you need to know about the intersection of for-profit religion, crime and politics in these United States. The religious right got their ban on abortions by making Trump their partner. They have also lost another swath of active church members who've simply walked away from churches in the last few years. (According to a study by Faith Communities Today, the median congregation size dropped from 137 people in 2000 to 65 by 2020. There is evidence that it has fallen further since.)

The religious right may think they are selling bibles. Others may simply see it as selling out.

This post first appeared on R World, please read the originial post: here

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The Religious Right's Pyrrhic Victory (Or, The Cost of Using Trump As A Representative)
