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Let's go skiing virtually

Let's Go Skiing Virtually

Since about 2010, when I got a Gopro camera, I have produced many ski videos, first placing the camera on top of my helmet, then moving it to a more stable location over my chest and have showing family and friends where I skied around Deer Valley, Park City and occasionally, Snowbird. 

With the exception of my ski tips, my hands and my poles, there was no way someone could see me skiing, but this wasn’t the point. The video was simply shot to show where I was going and share with the viewer how it felt to see what I was seeing. 

Sure, depending on the radius of the turns, the occasional bump, there was a lot of rocking and rolling and it was easy to get motion sickness after seeing one of my flicks, but I felt that was a small price to pay for witnessing my crazy rides. 

So here we go again, this time with a video of my favorite ski run, under the 9990 chairlift towers, on the Canyons side of Park City. Just think for a minute that you are me, have stepped into my skis and are making a run with me. You might wish to take a slightly different route, you won't risk hitting a tree or get hurt whatsoever, feel the cold and your feet that hurt. 

You’ll see that it’s snowing, the visibility isn’t so good, but there’s no one on the mountain, so relax and enjoy the ride! 

This post first appeared on Go 11, please read the originial post: here

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Let's go skiing virtually
