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Skiing my age in the bag!

Skiing My Age In The Bag!

At long last, I skied my age on Thursday, March 28! Last year, I reached 75 days on March 3, but that was the greatest ski year I ever had since living in Park City. Yesterday was a terrible day, except for some good powder up high on the mountain. Getting there and coming down were horrible, no visibility, wet snow and rain at the bottom!

For a while, I harbored doubts that I could ski my age this year, since my ski season got a bit curtailed following a December accident. 

That said, I learned two things this winter: I must make a concerted effort to avoid missing any ski day and push myself accordingly, and as time unfolds, this little stupid personal challenge will become increasingly difficult to fulfill. 

But you know me, I thrive on any challenge!

This post first appeared on Go 11, please read the originial post: here

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Skiing my age in the bag!
