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Still going bananas!

Still Going Bananas!

Since the mid nineties, we’ve made bananas part of our daily breakfast. I personally crush them every morning and that way, we find them most delicious! It’s fair to say that we have eaten more than 12,000 bananas to date, which is only one-tenth of a 40 ft container full of the tropical fruit. 

If anything, eating so many bananas hasn’t killed us yet, as its packed with many nutrients (vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin C and manganese as well as potassium). It’s also said to be a great mood lifter with the tryptophan it contains, a protein that’s converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves mood and well-being! 

Bananas are popular as 135 million metric tons are harvested each year and my wife and I don’t even begin to make a dent in that huge mass. 

Sure, it’s high in calories, but we make sure we burn those everyday so we can still get into our clothes...

This post first appeared on Go 11, please read the originial post: here

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Still going bananas!
