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Raja Ampat 2024 trip, mantas, birds-of-paradise, leatherback turtle

Raja Ampat 2024 Trip, Mantas, Birds-of-paradise, Leatherback Turtle

Sorry it’s been remiss of me not to send this out earlier. I’ve been a bit busy since I got back. The Raja Ampat 2024 trip was so good as usual. Yet again we had a delightful group of people. Each year the trips seem to create their own momentum as we have new faces and return visitors making friends.

Read the whole trip report here

Where we went

This year was an interesting trip for many reasons.

Continue reading Raja Ampat 2024 trip, mantas, birds-of-paradise, leatherback turtle at Wildlife in the Balance.

This post first appeared on The Importance Of Wildlife: Animal Impact By Simon Mustoe, please read the originial post: here

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Raja Ampat 2024 trip, mantas, birds-of-paradise, leatherback turtle
