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Fireside Feasts: 8 Must-Try Campfire Recipes for Your Next Adventure

Fireside Feasts: 8 Must-Try Campfire Recipes For Your Next Adventure

The great outdoors is capable of many wonders, and making food taste like nowhere else is one of them. It is one of the greatest benefits of camping – getting to cook your meals over a campfire (or in it) to get that unmistakable flavor. Even though cooking utensils and spaces are pretty limited, there are still plenty of ways to whip up some dishes without having to bring a portable kitchen. In this article, we’ll cover 8 campfire recipes that will brighten up any camping trip.

Table of Contents

Grill Meals

When it comes to campfire cooking, grilling is probably what first comes to mind for most of us. The grate and the open flame – that’s the main recipe of this school of outdoor cooking. This method is great for getting that unbeatable charred flavor on meats and vegetables. The key piece of equipment you’ll need is a grill grate, which can be a bit cumbersome to transport if you’re hiking into your campsite. Grilling requires a bit of skill to manage the heat properly, especially in wild camping conditions without the conveniences of a pre-built fire pit or grill station.

Grilled Everything Burgers

Everybody knows a burger when they see one, and it may seem like the only thing that distinguishes them is the assembly of in-between-buns ingredients. However, we offer you to take one step further and change the way the ingredients are cooked. How about we bring about the explosion of smoky, charred flavors that will transform a simple burger into a slightly more complicated burger? If you want to bring out the natural sweetness and complexity of the vegetables while adding a delightful crunch to the buns, then the Grilled Everything Burger is a perfect choice for you. Here’s what you’ll need.


1 lb 80% lean ground beef 

For the juiciest burgers, grass-fed beef with an 80% lean to 20% fat ratio is ideal.

1 large tomato

Heirloom tomatoes have the firmness most suitable for grilling.

½ lettuce head

Romaine lettuce is firm and stalky, which is an optimal choice for grilling.

1 red onion

Cut into thickish rings, any onion will do (we like the flavor of the red one best). 

4 slices of cheese

Cheddar adds flavor, and American cheese has better meltability – the choice is yours.

4 hamburger buns

Potato buns are dense and hold up well, but regular ones are perfectly suitable as well.

2 tablespoons olive oil

For brushing vegetables


To taste


  1. Prepare your grill for medium heat.
  2. Slice the tomato and onion into ½-inch thick rounds. Brush these and romaine lettuce with olive oil and season with salt.
  3. Shape the ground beef into 4 patties, making a small indent in the middle of each for even cooking. Season generously with salt.
  4. Place the patties on the grill. Cook for about 5 minutes, flip them, add a slice of cheese to each, and continue to grill for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. While the burgers are cooking, grill the tomatoes, onions, lettuce and buns. Flip occasionally until the vegetables are slightly soft and charred, and the buns are toasted.
  6. Start with a few leaves of grilled romaine on the bun, add a cheese-topped burger patty, then a slice of tomato and onion. (Condiments are optional, ketchup, mayo, mustard – whatever floats your boat).

Preparation and Cooking Tips:

  • Keep Ingredients Cold: Especially the beef, until right before forming patties to ensure the fat stays intact for juicier burgers. Coolers are indispensable for this purposes.
  • Handle Beef Gently: Overworking the meat will make your burgers tough.
  • Season After Forming Patties: This prevents the salt from drawing out moisture too early.
  • Flip Burgers as You Wish: There is no rule on how often this should be done, at least not one backed by professional cooksю
  • Clean and Oil Your Grill: This prevents sticking and achieves the best char on your ingredients.

Recipe Information:

  • Preparation Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Number of Servings: 4
  • Calories (Per Serving): 620 kcal
  • Fat Content (Per Serving): 39g

If you don’t want to rely on others and acquire your own portable grill, consider giving Primus Kamoto Large Open Fire Pit a look.

PRIMUS Kamoto Large Open Fire Pit

Shop now

Campfire Grilled Fish Tacos

Tacos are campfire recipe lists’ habitues. They can be extremely easy or complicated to make – it all depends on how far you want to go. Such variability is what makes this dish such a popular choice for campers. This time, we decided to go with grilled fish and spicy corn salsa. Fish make for a godly dish if grilled properly, and spicy salsa will complement the tender flavor of the snapper without overshadowing it.


For the Fish:

2 filets

Choose a mild, white fish like Pacific Snapper – these will allow the spices to shine through without overpowering the fish’s natural flavor.

½ lime

Fresh lime juice adds a zesty brightness that enhances the fish.

1 tablespoon olive oil

A good quality olive oil helps to keep the fish moist during grilling.

1 teaspoon chili powder (optional)

Adjust according to your spiciness preference.

½ teaspoon cumin

Ground cumin adds a warm, earthy tone that complements the chili powder.

½ teaspoon salt

To taste

For the Spicy Corn Salsa:

1-2 ears corn on the cob

Look for fresh, plump kernels for sweetness and crunch.

1 jalapeño

Adjust the amount of jalapeño based on your spice tolerance.

½ small red onion

Any onion will do (we like the flavor of the red one best).

½ lime

Because you already have one half lying idly.

handful cilantro

Fresh cilantro brings a burst of herbal freshness.


To taste

To Serve:

6 tortillas

Warming them over the fire makes them pliable and adds a slight char

kettle chips

If you enjoy an extra kick.

hot sauce

For serving on the side.


  1. Start your campfire or grill, aiming for medium-high heat. This will provide the perfect conditions for grilling both the fish and vegetables.
  2. Squeeze half a lime over the snapper filets, then drizzle with olive oil. Season both sides with chili powder, cumin, and salt. Set aside to marinate briefly while you prepare the other ingredients.
  3. Place the corn and jalapeño directly on the grill. Turn them occasionally to allow them to cook and char for about 10 minutes. Once done, remove and let them cool slightly.
  4. Place the seasoned fish in a wire grill basket and position it over the fire. Grill for about 3 minutes, then flip and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Remove from the fire and let the fish rest for a couple of minutes.
  5. Once the corn and jalapeño are cool enough to handle, shave the corn kernels off the cob. Peel the blackened skin off the jalapeño, then chop (removing stems and seeds for less heat). Finely chop the red onion and mince the cilantro. Combine all these in a bowl with the juice of the remaining half of the lime. Season with salt to taste.
  6. Warm the tortillas over the fire. Build your tacos by placing a portion of the grilled fish onto each tortilla, followed by a generous scoop of the spicy corn salsa. Add hot sauce if desired.
  7. Enjoy your grilled fish tacos with a side of kettle chips for a complete meal.

Preparation and Cooking Tips:

  • Fire Management: Achieving the right temperature is key. If your fire is too hot, the outside of the fish will burn before the inside is done. Aim for medium-high heat and adjust the distance of the food from the flames if necessary.
  • Using a Grill Basket: A wire grill basket is invaluable for cooking fish over an open flame. It prevents sticking and makes it easy to flip the fish without it falling apart. You won’t need to polish your campfire grate or look for a tool to flip the fish.

Recipe Information:

  • Preparation Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Number of Servings: 6 tacos
  • Calories (Per Serving): 169 kcal
  • Fat Content (Per Serving): 3g

Foil Meals

Foil packet meals can boast the ultimate convenience for camping. Wrap your ingredients in aluminum foil, toss it onto the coals, and let it cook – is there anything simpler than that? It’s a no-fuss, no-mess method, and you can pretty much forget about it once it’s on the fire. You don’t need any special equipment beyond the foil itself, making this method ideal for any camping situation. However, estimating cooking times can be a bit of a guessing game since you can’t easily check on the food without opening the packet. And the chances are you are not doing that.

Chicken and Black Bean Nachos

We’ve had beef, we’ve had fish, now it’s time we had some chicken. Like the rest of the tinfoil recipes, this one is pretty easy to pull off, but it remains a hearty meal nonetheless. Besides, since we are covering the best campfire recipes, we simply cannot do without some nachos. Though there will be plenty to go around for as many as six people, we’ll totally understand if you double or triple the serving for yourself.


3 ½ cups shredded rotisserie chicken

Rotisserie chicken is a convenient and flavorful option. For a healthier choice, opt for chicken that’s been seasoned with less sodium.

1 cup red enchilada sauce

Choose a sauce that has a depth of flavor; smoky or spicy options add an extra kick

½ onion

Fresh onion adds a nice crunch and sweetness once grilled.

1 cup fresh corn kernels

From 2 ears of corn. Fresh corn gives a sweet pop of flavor

1 (15-ounce) can black beans

Rinsing removes excess sodium and improves the texture.

3 cups pepper-jack cheese

Its creamy texture and spicy flavor elevate the dish.

This post first appeared on 1800Gear, please read the originial post: here

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Fireside Feasts: 8 Must-Try Campfire Recipes for Your Next Adventure
