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Varsity Virtual Enterprise Finance Team Takes First in State

Varsity Virtual Enterprise Finance Team Takes First In State

Kudos to the SPHS Varsity Virtual Enterprise Finance team for this year’s company, WAGS! The WAGS team placed first in the state competition and will move forward to the National Competition in New York City on April 11, 2024. Team members Ethan Kang, Eden Kim, Joel Kim, and Miles Woo will compete as part of the top 30 teams in the nation.

During the competition, the students created current and projected financial statements to show stakeholders and potential investors a reasonably accurate estimate of sales and profit. To qualify for finals at the state level, the Finance Department had to submit a written document, and for finals, they shared a five-minute presentation to judges, including time after for questions and answers.

Congratulations and go, Tigers!

The post Varsity Virtual Enterprise Finance Team Takes First in State first appeared on The South Pasadenan | South Pasadena News.

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Varsity Virtual Enterprise Finance Team Takes First in State
