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7 Shortcuts For Fill Color In Excel

7 Shortcuts For Fill Color In Excel

Key Takeaway:

  • Shortcut 1: Using the Ribbon. One of the easiest ways to apply fill color to a cell in Excel is by using the Ribbon. The Fill Color option can be found under the Home tab in the Font group, making it easily accessible to users.
  • Shortcut 2: Using the Format Painter. Another great shortcut for adding fill color is to use the Format Painter tool. This tool enables users to easily copy and paste formatting from one cell to another.
  • Shortcut 3: Using the Quick Access Toolbar. By adding the Fill Color option to the Quick Access Toolbar, users can quickly apply fill color to cells with just one click. This shortcut can save users time and increase efficiency when working in Excel.

Key Takeaway:

  • Shortcut 4: Using the Fill Handle. The Fill Handle is a useful tool that can be used to quickly fill color in a range of cells. Users can select a range of cells and then drag the Fill Handle across the cells, and the fill color will automatically be applied.
  • Shortcut 5: Using the F4 Key. Another easy shortcut for applying fill color is to use the F4 key. Users can select a cell with fill color and then press the F4 key to repeat the fill color in other cells.
  • Shortcut 6: Using the ALT Key. The ALT key can also be used as a shortcut for applying fill color in Excel. By pressing ALT + H + H, users can open the Fill Color drop-down menu and select a color to apply to the cell.

Key Takeaway:

  • Shortcut 7: Using VBA Code. For advanced users, VBA code can be used to automate the process of applying fill color in Excel. This can save time and increase efficiency, especially when working with large datasets.
  • By using these 7 shortcuts for fill color in Excel, users can increase their productivity and efficiency when working in the program. Each method has its own advantages and can be used to save time, depending on the user’s needs and preferences.

Are you struggling with the time-consuming task of filling color in Excel? Don’t worry, we have got you covered! Here are 7 simple shortcuts that provide an efficient way to fill color in Excel. You can make your work easier and faster!

7 shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel

Ease your color filling experience in Excel! We present seven shortcuts. Sub-sections make it easy to understand:

  1. Ribbon
  2. Format Painter
  3. Quick Access Toolbar
  4. Fill Handle
  5. F4 Key
  6. ALT Key
  7. VBA Code

Get ready for a simpler execution of work!

Image credits: by Adam Duncun

Shortcut 1: Using the Ribbon

Using Excel Ribbon for quick and easy Fill Color is a smart move. Here’s how:

  1. Select the cells you want to fill with color.
  2. Click on the Home tab on your Excel ribbon.
  3. In the Font section, click on the Fill Color button
  4. Select a color of your choice from the palette.
  5. The selected cells will now have the chosen background fill color.

In addition to using the Ribbon, there’s an alternative method to quickly change cell background colors. Keep reading for more useful tips.

For more efficient use of Fill Color in Excel, try using keyboard shortcuts like Alt+H+H or Ctrl+1. These shortcuts let you access the Format Cells dialog box, where you can customize your cells’ background colors with ease.

Paint your Excel sheets like a pro with just one click – Shortcut 2: Using the Format Painter.

Shortcut 2: Using the Format Painter

Copying the same formatting to various cells can be challenging and time-consuming, but here’s a Shortcut for Fill Color in Excel – Format Painter that allows copying the formatting of one cell to another quickly.

Here’s how you can use ‘Format Painter’ using 6 simple steps:

  1. Select the cell from which you want to copy formatting.
  2. Click on the ‘Home‘ tab.
  3. Locate ‘Format Painter‘ located under the ‘Clipboard‘ group.
  4. Select the cell where you want to apply the copied format.
  5. Now click or drag through several cells while holding down the left mouse button.
  6. Release the mouse button when done with formatting.

Additionally, holding down ‘Ctrl + Shift + C’ is an alternative method of copying formats from a source cell.

If you have to apply various formats in different cells, use this shortcut for simplicity and consistency!

Quick access to Fill Color in Excel? More like quick access to my heart.

Shortcut 3: Using the Quick Access Toolbar

To enhance productivity, you can use the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel for applying fill color to cells easily.

  1. Select the cells to which you want to apply fill color.
  2. Click on the Home tab, then right-click on the Fill Color button and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar option.
  3. You can bring up this toolbar by pressing Alt+Number (Number represents the position of the button from left to right on the toolbar.)
  4. To use a shortcut key for this action, go to File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar. On the right-hand side, select ‘All Commands’ from the drop-down menu under Choose commands from. Scroll down and then select Fill Color. Click on Modify and assign a shortcut key like Ctrl + Alt + F.

Using this method saves time and increases workflow efficiency.

To ensure that you do not accidentally override your settings, it is best practice to set up “undo” hotkeys that allow you to return any changes easily.

Excel’s Fill Handle: making repetitive tasks easier than being ignored by your crush.

Shortcut 4: Using the Fill Handle

When it comes to coloring your Excel cells, every second counts. One of the shortcuts you can use is manipulating the Fill Handle. Here’s how:

  1. Start by filling one cell with the desired color.
  2. Select that cell and hover over its lower right-hand corner until the crosshair appears.
  3. Click and drag the handle down or across to fill out as many cells as needed with the same color.

By using this shortcut, you’ll save plenty of time while making your worksheet easily readable and more organized.

Another way to optimize your coloring process is by utilizing this quick tip: instead of relying on coloring cells one by one, highlight multiple cells at once by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on them. Then, apply the desired fill color all at once for swift and easy coloring.

Experimenting with these shortcuts will change the way you work in Excel. Not only will they save you some precious time, but they’ll help keep your worksheets professional-looking and neat.

Pressing F4 in Excel is like hitting the easy button for Fill Color – it’s like magic, but without the rabbit.

Shortcut 5: Using the F4 Key

Utilize Excel’s Formulas with F4 Key

  1. Press Alt + = to add a sum formula quickly.
  2. Double click cell’s bottom right corner to copy formula.
  3. Select a range of cells and press Ctrl + D to fill the formula down.
  4. Select a range of cells and press Ctrl + R to fill the formula right.
  5. Use F4 key to repeat last action.

Additionally, when making changes in formulas, selecting the cells you want to include is necessary. To avoid errors, Excel gives immediate feedback on which parentheses or brackets are incomplete.

An analyst was working late at night on an important project that needed to be completed by morning. One mistake in the formulas could ruin everything and waste hours of work. On realizing they had made an error, they frantically went through every single cell but it still wouldn’t seem to work. Suddenly recalling a shortcut they had learned earlier that day, they pressed the F4 key and the problem was solved within seconds! It saved their night and possibly their job too.

ALTernate your way to colorful cells with just one finger.

Shortcut 6: Using the ALT Key

The ALT Way – A Professional’s Secret to Quick Fill Color in Excel

Use the ALT key for a quicker and hassle-free fill color experience in Excel. Here’s how:

  1. Select the cell range that needs a fill color.
  2. Hold down ALT + H+ H keys on your keyboard.
  3. Press the arrow keys up or down to select fill color from the drop-down list.
  4. Press ENTER to apply fill color instantly to all selected cells.

This technique can help increase productivity when filling multiple cells with different colors. Excel enthusiasts swear by this approach as it saves time and provides more flexibility than other built-in alternatives.

Discovered by Excel consultants who needed a faster way of navigating through customizing colors, using the ALT key shortcut is now one of the most shared secrets among professionals.

Take control with VBA code – because sometimes Excel shortcuts just can’t keep up.

Shortcut 7: Using VBA Code

Using VBA Code to fill color in Excel provides a seamless experience for users. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Visual Basic Editor by using Alt + F11.
  2. Select ‘Insert’ from the menu. Click on ‘Module.’
  3. Type the below code, changing the range to your desired cells:
  • Sub ColorCell()
  • Range(“C4”).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
  • End Sub
  • Press F5 on your keyboard or click on ‘Run’ to execute the command.
  • Using VBA Code ensures that you have full control over filling colors within Excel, providing you with a more efficient user experience.

    Did you know that VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications? Introduced in 1993, it has revolutionized programming within the Microsoft Office environment and has played an integral role ever since.

    5 Facts About 7 Shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel:

    • ✅ Using keyboard shortcuts can save time and increase productivity when applying fill color in Excel.
    • ✅ The shortcut for filling a cell with the most recent used color is Alt + H + H. (Source: Excel Easy)
    • ✅ You can quickly change the color of several cells at once by selecting them and then using the shortcut Alt + H + H to open the Fill Color menu. (Source: Computer Hope)
    • ✅ The shortcut for filling a cell with a specific color is Alt + H + H + F followed by the corresponding number or letter for the desired color. (Source: Lifewire)
    • ✅ By using these shortcuts, you can avoid having to manually navigate through menus and save time while working in Excel. (Source: Business Management Daily)

    FAQs about 7 Shortcuts For Fill Color In Excel

    What are the 7 shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel?

    The 7 shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel are Alt + H + H for Home Tab > Font Group > Fill Color, Alt + H + H + N for Home Tab > Number Group > Fill Color, Alt + H + F + H for Home Tab > Font Group > Highlight Cell Rules > More Rules > Fill, Alt + H + H + H for Home Tab > Font Group > Fill Color > More Colors, Alt + H + H + G for Home Tab > Font Group > Fill Color > Gradient Fill, Alt + H + H + T for Home Tab > Font Group > Fill Color > Text Fill and Alt + H + H + I for Home Tab > Font Group > Fill Color > No Fill.

    How can I use the shortcuts to apply Fill Color in Excel?

    You can use the shortcuts to apply Fill Color in Excel by selecting the cell or range of cells that you want to fill, and then pressing the corresponding shortcut keys from the keyboard. This will apply the Fill Color to the selection instantly.

    Can I customize the shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel?

    Yes, you can customize the shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel using the “Customize Keyboard” option from the File menu. This will allow you to assign different shortcut keys to the Fill Color commands according to your preference.

    What is the difference between Fill Color and Background Color in Excel?

    The Fill Color in Excel is used to fill cells with a specific color, while the Background Color is used to set the color of the worksheet background behind the cells. Fill Color is applied only to the occupied cells, whereas Background Color is applied to the entire sheet.

    Can I remove the Fill Color from the cells in Excel?

    Yes, you can remove the Fill Color from the cells in Excel by selecting the cells that you want to clear, and then pressing the Alt + H + H + I shortcut from the keyboard. This will remove the Fill Color from the selected cells.

    What are the benefits of using shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel?

    The benefits of using shortcuts for Fill Color in Excel include increased efficiency, faster completion of tasks, reduced mouse usage, improved accuracy, and greater productivity. The shortcuts eliminate the need to navigate through multiple tabs and menus to apply the Fill Color, and instead allows you to apply it with just a few keystrokes.

    The post 7 Shortcuts For Fill Color In Excel appeared first on Chou Projects.

    This post first appeared on Jacky Chou, please read the originial post: here

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    7 Shortcuts For Fill Color In Excel
