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Top 10 Free Stock Video Websites for Stunning Visuals

Top 10 Free Stock Video Websites For Stunning Visuals

In the digital age, captivating visuals are essential for creating engaging content. Whether you’re a filmmaker, vlogger, marketer, or content creator, accessing high-quality stock videos can elevate your projects. Fortunately, there are numerous websites offering free stock videos that you can use without breaking the bank. Here are the top 10 free stock video websites to enhance your visual storytelling

Pexels Videos:

Pexels Videos offers a vast collection of high-definition videos covering a wide range of themes, from nature and technology to business and lifestyle. The videos are free to use for personal and commercial projects, with no attribution required.

  • Extensive Collection: Offers a vast library of high-definition videos covering diverse themes, suitable for various projects.
  • No Attribution Required: Videos are free to use for personal and commercial purposes without the need for attribution, simplifying usage for creators.


Pixabay is known for its extensive library of royalty-free images, but it also offers a diverse selection of free stock videos. You can find videos in various categories, including animation, sports, and travel, all available for download and use without restrictions.

  • Diverse Categories: Provides a wide range of video categories, from animation and sports to travel and business, catering to different content needs.
  • Royalty-Free: All videos are royalty-free, allowing users to download and use them for projects without worrying about licensing issues.


Videvo features a mix of free and premium stock videos contributed by filmmakers and videographers worldwide. The free collection includes HD and 4K videos, with options to filter by resolution and licensing requirements.

  • Mix of Free and Premium Content: Offers a combination of free and premium stock videos, providing options for different budget levels and project requirements.
  • Resolution Filter: Allows users to filter videos by resolution, making it easy to find HD and 4K footage based on specific preferences.


Coverr specializes in curated videos for website backgrounds, showcasing visually appealing footage that can enhance your online presence. The videos are free for commercial use, making them ideal for website headers and promotional materials.

  • Curated Selection: Curates visually appealing videos suitable for website backgrounds, enhancing the aesthetics of online platforms.
  • Commercial Use Allowed: Videos are free for commercial use, making them ideal for promotional materials and website design.


Videezy offers a community-driven platform with free stock videos, motion graphics, and After Effects templates. You can explore a wide range of content, including aerial footage, cityscapes, and abstract visuals, perfect for adding flair to your projects.

  • Community-Driven Platform: Features contributions from a community of filmmakers and creatives, offering a diverse and unique selection of content.
  • Variety of Content: Provides not only stock videos but also motion graphics and After Effects templates, expanding creative possibilities.


Freepik is a leading platform offering a vast collection of high-quality free stock videos in HD and 4K resolutions, spanning diverse themes like nature, technology, business, and more, empowering creators with visually stunning content for their projects.

  • Extensive Library: Freepik offers a vast library of free stock videos covering a wide range of topics and themes, including nature, technology, business, and more.
  • Quality Content: The platform provides high-quality videos in HD and 4K resolutions, ensuring visually appealing footage for various creative projects.


Mixkit offers a curated library of free stock videos, music tracks, and sound effects for creative projects. The videos are available in HD and 4K resolutions, suitable for social media, advertising, and multimedia productions.

  • Curated Library: Curates a library of free stock videos, music tracks, and sound effects, providing comprehensive resources for multimedia projects.
  • High-Resolution Videos: Offers videos in HD and 4K resolutions, ensuring high-quality visuals for social media and advertising.


Vidsplay provides a collection of free stock videos in categories like nature, business, and technology. The videos are royalty-free and can be used for personal and commercial projects, with options to download in different formats and resolutions.

  • Royalty-Free Videos: Provides royalty-free videos in various categories, allowing users to use them for personal and commercial projects without restrictions.
  • Download Options: Offers multiple download formats and resolutions, providing flexibility for different editing and playback needs.

Motion Elements:

Motion Elements offers free stock videos, motion backgrounds, and visual effects for video editing and motion graphics projects. The site features a mix of free and premium content, with options to search by category, duration, and resolution.

  • Motion Graphics and Effects: Offers not just stock videos but also motion graphics and visual effects, enhancing options for video editing and motion design.
  • Search Filters: Provides filters for easy searching by category, duration, and resolution, helping users find specific content quickly.

Videoblocks by Storyblocks:

Videoblocks by Storyblocks offers a selection of free stock videos as part of their larger subscription-based library. The free videos cover various themes and styles, providing valuable resources for filmmakers and content creators.

  • Part of Larger Library: Access to free stock videos as part of a larger subscription-based library, offering additional premium content for comprehensive project needs.
  • Variety of Themes: Covers various themes and styles in the free stock video collection, catering to different storytelling and promotional requirements.

In conclusion, these top 10 free stock video websites provide a treasure trove of visual assets to enhance your creative projects. Whether you’re telling a story, promoting a product, or building a website, these resources empower you to create stunning visuals without compromising on quality or budget. Explore these platforms, unleash your creativity, and bring your ideas to life with captivating stock videos.

The post Top 10 Free Stock Video Websites for Stunning Visuals first appeared on Easy User Experience.

This post first appeared on UX Inspiration | Usable Applications, please read the originial post: here

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Top 10 Free Stock Video Websites for Stunning Visuals
