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🕯Why are some people confident, while others are insecure?🕯

It’s all about being Lucky. We all need the approval and support of others so much we self-destruct without it.

Society has come to believe in obedience, which destroys our Natural inner connections that provide access to our needs, feelings, instincts, and inner strength. Our inner world therefore makes us honorable and loving.

The energy of life comes from within. If we were lucky enough to have been respected and encouraged that way, as all other life gets to be, then we are a strong loving person.

If we have been forced into excessive compliance, then we have lost connection with our inner life. We will be adrift, without confidence, morals, or honor.

Recovery is difficult, to say the least. Mostly because we are locked into believing in discipline because we assume others need it. That’s because, without our inner life, we need it.

Recovery requires a renewed respect for the natural purity of our needs, feelings, and instincts, then a drive to expose our real nature which is now hidden behind excessive hurt.

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

The post 🕯Why are some people Confident, while others are insecure?🕯 first appeared on Clarity of Innocence.

This post first appeared on Inner World Self-esteem, please read the originial post: here

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🕯Why are some people confident, while others are insecure?🕯
