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The Unseen Dangers of Skipping Your Annual Screening Mammograms

The Unseen Dangers Of Skipping  Your Annual Screening Mammograms

The Unseen Dangers of Skipping Your Annual Screening Mammograms

Dr. Rashmi Sudhir
India’s Leading Breast Imaging Expert

Meet Geeta, a vibrant 45-year-old woman working in a reputed bank. Geeta had always been diligent about balancing her work and family responsibilities. Still, when it came to her health, she often prioritized the demands of her job and her loved ones over her well-being. Despite occasional reminders from her doctor and awareness drives to undergo annual mammograms, Geeta ignored the advice, convinced that she was too busy to schedule the appointment.

Geeta puts work before health

For years, Geeta carried on with her hectic schedule, juggling deadlines, family, and meetings without giving much thought to her health. As time passed, the occasional twinge in her breast or fleeting moment of fatigue was dismissed as nothing more than stress-related symptoms. After all, she was still relatively young and healthy, or so she thought.

Fateful discovery

However, on a fateful day, Geeta noticed a lump in her breast while showering. Initially, she tried to dismiss it as hormonal changes or muscle strain. But as days turned into weeks and the lump persisted, a sense of unease began to creep in. Reluctantly, Geeta made an appointment with her doctor, hoping for reassurance that everything was fine.

The results of the subsequent tests sent shockwaves through Geeta’s world. The lump she had assumed was insignificant turned out to be cancerous, and further tests revealed that the cancer had already spread to nearby lymph nodes. Geeta was faced with a diagnosis of advanced-stage Breast Cancer, a reality she never imagined confronting.

The heavy toll of advanced cancer

As Geeta embarked on her treatment journey—undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation—she couldn’t help but wonder how things might have been different if she had prioritized her health sooner. The missed opportunities for early detection weighed heavily on her mind, knowing that perhaps regular mammograms could have caught the cancer at a more manageable stage.

The months that followed were a whirlwind of appointments, treatments, and emotional upheaval for Geeta and her loved ones. The toll on her physical and mental well-being was overwhelming, yet amidst the challenges, Geeta found a newfound appreciation for the importance of preventive care.

Regrets & reflections

Looking back, Geeta felt lucky to be alive and wished she had listened to the advice to undergo mammograms regularly. She realized that being proactive about her health wasn’t just about checking off a box but taking control of her future. Geeta vowed to become an advocate for breast cancer awareness, urging other women not to make the same mistake she did.

Geeta’s journey serves as a grim reminder of the importance of regular mammograms for early detection of breast cancer. While it’s easy to let the demands of daily life take precedence, neglecting preventive care can have devastating consequences.

Geeta’s story is a testament to the power of prioritizing health and taking proactive steps to safeguard one’s well-being. Let her journey serve as a wake-up call to all of us: don’t ignore your annual mammograms —it could save your life.

What is a wise approach?

If you are 40 with no symptoms or identifiable breast cancer risk, it’s time for you to start Annual Screening Mammograms. Start earlier if you are in a higher risk category, in consultation with your doctor.

Mammography is the gold standard test for early breast cancer detection.[1] Breast cancer deaths are reduced by 30% to 50% with annual screening mammography performed on all women beginning at age 40 years.[2]

Should you wait until you notice a symptom?

No. Never wait till a symptom shows up.

All women carry at least an average risk of breast cancer after puberty, with increasing risk as you age. About 50% of breast cancers develop in women with no identifiable risks other than gender and age.[3] Some women are at higher risk than this due to family history, breast density, genetics, personal history of breast disease, obesity, smoking, etc.

Can breast-self-examination be used as screening test?

Breast self-examination is not recommended as screening test by most medical organizations worldwide because it does not help early detection.[4] By the time the lump is big enough to be felt by your or your doctor’s hands, it’s already too late. Similarly, ultrasound and MRI too are not recommended for routine screening due to various limitations.

Mammography is only an imaging test with no cuts, pricks, admission to the hospital, etc. You can either make a prior appointment or walk-in if the centre advises. For mammography test, it takes no more than a few minutes, excluding waiting time. Within those few minutes, your breast tissue will be compressed between two plates for few seconds (

Which type of mammogram and center to select?

You deserve access to the best of technology & facilities when it’s time for your annual mammogram.

Please check if the center has at least a digital or the latest 3D mammography machine. The latest 3D mammography machines are designed to deliver the fastest and the highest resolution mammograms, painless examination with more comfort, and at the lowest radiation dose within the allowable limits.

Radiologists are specialist medical doctors who study your mammograms and interpret the scans for you. Usually, the center’s website will have detailed information about the doctor’s qualifications, experience, advanced training or fellowship in radiology, etc. This may give you a good idea about the professional expertise at the center.

Hence, if you are eligible for breast screening either by age (40 years and above) or due to high-risk factors such as family history (in which case even if you are younger than 40 years), subscribe today to an Annual Screening Mammography plan and never miss your test – A simple ritual that can save your life!

Dr. Rashmi Sudhir
Senior Consultant Radiologist, Lead Breast Imaging and Intervention Specialist

Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad

The post The Unseen Dangers of Skipping Your Annual Screening Mammograms appeared first on PinkPromise.

This post first appeared on Mammography Blog - Pink Promise India, please read the originial post: here

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The Unseen Dangers of Skipping Your Annual Screening Mammograms
