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Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery Cost

Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery Cost

Male enlargement surgery, also referred to as cosmetic phalloplasty, penile augmentation, and pneuma implants, permanently enlarges the length or girth of the penis.  

Men looking at their cosmetic phalloplasty options can choose from different options. As you would expect, the Permanent Male Enlargement surgery cost will vary between the different methods. 

Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery Cost

There is no specific girth surgery cost for penoplasty surgery as every single case is different and treated completely individually. To get an estimation specific to you according to your condition, contact HayatMed now to discuss your requirements in complete confidentiality.

Remember that our price will include all the procedure fees, including aftercare service. Therefore, there are no hidden costs. With HayatMed, for medical services, you can get both highly experienced in terms of cosmetic procedures and competitive costs simultaneously.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery. Based on patients’ evaluations, we offer satisfactory results at an affordable cost. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

1. male enlargement injections cost

Male enlargement injections in the United States usually cost between $10,000 and $13,000. In the United Kingdom, prices range from £6000 to £9000, and in Turkey, they vary from €2800 to €4000. These prices can change based on factors like the procedure type, clinic location, and individual needs.

United StatesUnited KingdomTurkey
$10000 – $13000£6000 – £9000€2800 – €4000

2. Girth surgery cost

Girth surgery in the United States ranges from $5000 to $7000. In the United Kingdom, prices vary from £4000 to £6000, and in Turkey, they range from €2200 to €3200. These prices can change depending on factors like the procedure type, clinic location, and individual needs.

United StatesUnited KingdomTurkey
$5000 – $7000£4000 – £6000€2200 – €3200

3. cost of penile implants

In the United States, penile implants range from $16,000 to $19,000. Prices in the United Kingdom vary between £12,000 and £15,000, while in Turkey, they range from €7500 to €10,000. These prices can change based on factors like the type of implant, clinic location, and individual needs

United StatesUnited KingdomTurkey
$16000- $19000£12000 – £15000€7500 – €10000

Get your free consultation on WhatsApp.

Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery Options

A permanent male enhancement surgery cost will vary between the procedures and where you have the surgery. Generally, you can expect to pay from $3,500 to $15,000. Here are the options available to you.

1. Fat Transfer

Surgeons use fat transferred from the inner thighs or belly to graft extra size onto the penis. Fat transfer is a male enhancement technique surgeons have performed for decades and is most often used to increase the penis’ girth. However, they can achieve modest gains in length as well. 

Using liposuction, your surgeon removes a small amount of fat from your hips, thighs, or belly.

The fat is purified before it is inserted into the penis circumferentially from the base to the head (glans). The operation is over two hours and uses local anesthesia, which means you will be awake for the procedure. 

Permanent Male Enlargement Reviews

Plastic Surgeries in Turkey At Best Prices

Our packages cover medical fees, hospital stays, airport transfers, and personal host services for a seamless experience.

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2. Penile Implants (penuma implants)

This procedure is also known as penuma implants; surgeons use penuma, a permanent, medical-grade, and malleable silicone perfect for male enlargement because it resembles the natural penis. It’s a new procedure and only available in the U.S., but you can expect its popularity to extend to other countries soon.

The procedure shows great success rates and minimal infection and fluid buildup levels. Reported patient satisfaction after surgery is also high.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery. Based on patients’ evaluations, we offer satisfactory results at an affordable cost. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

3. Ligament Release

A strong band of connective tissue connects the penis to the body. Ligament release surgery cuts the connecting band, allowing the penis to fall further away from the body. 

The result is a penis that looks longer but is at significant risk of erectile dysfunction and penetration issues. Because of its risks and lack of satisfactory results, most doctors recommend this enhancement for men. Surgery is proven the most effective way to perform male enhancement.

Consult your doctor to discuss your options and determine whether the boost in confidence will be worth the permanent male enlargement cost.

Who Can Get Permanent Male Enlargement Therapy

Men who are healthy and dissatisfied with their current length or girth, including men of average size or slightly larger, are good candidates for male enlargement therapy. 

An average flaccid penis sits between 3.5 to 5 inches long and around 3.5 inches in girth. An average-sized penis is slightly more than 5 inches long and about 4.5 inches when erect.

Even though they have an average penis size, many men feel inadequate in the bedroom. Surveys about this issue report that almost 70% of men say they wish they could have a more substantial penis. Many men are born with a micropenis, a stretched penis length of 7.5 cm or slightly less than 3 inches.

A micropenis is often associated with a hormone imbalance, and having one does not always make you a good candidate for permanent male enhancement. 

Contact Us Today

Lastly, if you need to know more about this procedure or have questions about other procedures, we offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery Cost FAQs

The price of permanent male enlargement surgery varies based on factors like the procedure type and where it’s done. On average, it ranges from $5000 to $13000 in the United States, £6000 to £9000 in the United Kingdom, and €2800 to €4000 in Turkey.

Several things affect the cost, including the specific procedure, the surgeon’s skill, the clinic’s location, and any extra services provided.

Many clinics offer payment plans or financing to help patients manage their costs. It’s essential to ask about these options during your consultation.

In most cases, insurance doesn’t cover this surgery since it’s considered elective. It’s wise to check with your provider to understand your coverage.

To get the best value, research different clinics and surgeons, read patient reviews, and ask for before-and-after photos. Safety and quality should be top priorities when making your decision.

This post first appeared on , please read the originial post: here

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Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery Cost
