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'You created me with your love!' ❤️

'You Created Me With Your Love!' ❤️

Book Review | Inaippin Pinaippu by Dr. Phebe Angus

Four Book Releases in the Department of English

Mnemosyne 2024 | @ DoE

14th March 2024 was a red-letter day for the vibrant Department of English (Aided), MCC. Four books were released on the occasion.

Dr. Mekala Rajan, our Head of the Department, led by example. Two of her books were released on 14th March by the legendary Dr. Nirmal Selvamony.

The first book authored by Dr. Mekala is titled, Cultural Integration Through Images in Biblical Wisdom Literature.

Our beautiful earth, with the involvement in wars, fights in all fields, battles over materialistic assets and positions, is getting crushed and the real essence of existence is therefore squashed. We are losing our capacity to exist in harmony. Human beings are not only indifferent but diffident too. Jealousy, hatred and envy in multiple ways have  disrupted peaceful coexistence.

A self- centered life is rejected and an inclusive approach is advocated. The oneness in thought and action among fellow human beings is appreciated and the logical presentation as in the Book of Job facilitates value clarification. Thus, real knowledge is knowing God, 

says the book.

The second book is titled, Green Strokes in Biblical Wisdom Literature.

Wisdom Literature is seen riding majestically on Nature images. Life is lived purposefully when we are sensitive to Nature's beauty, rhythm  and  sensibility evoked by the colours that captivate. Nature reminds us of the creation and our creator. The world today is self - confident not God - confident. Therefore, there is perplexity, uncertainty and complexity. The spiritual growth is ignored. Human beings are beholden to their maker. This recognition and focus is sinking and has turned insignificant. The effort to haul us out of the mire that we are paddling in has to be executed cautiously and with love, 

says the book.

Yet another book titled, Loud Inner Voice written by Abraham was also released today. You may want to order copies of the book on e-marts HERE.

But the greatest of these, is LOVE!

Or to put it in another way - the book by Dr. Phebe Angus on LOVE!

It’s titled, Inaippin Pinaippu: A Celebration of Love, published by Notion Press.

The Dedication is so delightfully penned, and says it all –

In a cold dark forest

Damp, moist, slipping

Knees weakened by the searching

Finally, a glimpse of a faint glimmer

I spotted my spotted deer


Dear to the eyes

Calm to the soul

Safe to the heart

Soft to the spirit

It’s a remedy and a balm

But he raced away

Taking with him

My smile…

The foreword by Dr. Ilango, Associate Professor, Dept of Tamil, MCC, beautifully foregrounds the spirit of the poems in this collection in all their aura and charm!

In the introduction, the poet in Dr. Phebe so majestically outlines the intention of this passionate book as an ‘indulgence in the finesse of love’s play, layering one’s imagination and fantasy with the thoughts about the beloved, writing each other’s love story, the power of loving in silence, reading the eyes and smile to communicate feelings of love…’

It aims to perceive human love as the shadow of Divine Love and shows how one cannot survive without the other, even while Divine Love is eternal.

Dr. Phebe then takes us - her readers - on a lovely journey through the history of love down the ages, right from the Bhakti tradition, where poets equated Divine Love with human expressions of love, The Song of Solomon, Tamil literature of the Sangam era from 1 BC to 3 BC, the Tholkappiyam, etc., up until to the present.

The poet also gives us possible reasons on why disappointments in love surface, and how, when one is filled with Divine Love, one is always sure to find their way!

A Hundred Poems follow!

The first poem titled, ‘Why did you enter my heart?’

which also becomes a refrain in the poem, with 25 lines, shows a gradational progression of sorts!

The next poem comprises of 20 lines.

The fourth poem comes to 10 lines!

There is an internal order and cohesion to the structuring of the poems as well!

Some of the poetic lines are so mesmerizing and awe-inspiring!

Sample these –

From a line that borders on metaphysical heights –

In your eyes glittering in the light of the moon. I saw my world.

To the metaphoric charms –

Oh my spotted deer that slips about and runs.

To a myriad literary devices that heighten the aesthetic pleasure while reading through each of the lines!

Embracing me with your smile and creating love with your words.

Bravery that walks in the light of the moon.

Seeking the waves the river flows towards it.

Your instructions bear the sweetness of mountain honey.

Let us find sweetness in your shadow and lose ourselves in this bliss.

Sweet relaxing in the shadow of your embrace.

His eyes speaking to her in silence.

In the sparkle from our eyes, let’s write our stories.

Did you embrace me without embracing me?

I will show you the sweet music of love!

Voice that makes me forget myself!

You created me with your love!

You make my dreams and my reality!

Your eyelids are the shield of my heart!

And many more such priceless poetic pearls!

Well, it was a pleasant surprise that Dr. Phebe had chosen to write all the hundred poems in Tamil, with apt pictorial illustrations for each of the poems.

Nothing like writing the spontaneous overflow of the heart in one’s own mother tongue, as the legendary Ngugi wa Thiong’o rightly says – one’s vernacular 'bears the burden' of one's own cultural experience!

How true!

Human beings are superior beings says Fredrich Nietzsche.

They are sexual beings says Freud.

They are textual beings, says Derrida.

They are storied beings, says Ben Okri.

But forget them all, 

human beings are basically love beings says Dr. Phebe!

In a world where love becomes a fleeting passion of little value, where people shift their object of affection as quickly as a racing cheetah, this encyclopedia on Love is sure to become the Bible for true blue Love Beings across the world!

Love becomes the golden thread that binds the book into a blessed weave!

The book says it all!

It’s an amalgam of the Sufi and the Rumi, the Kabir and the Tagore, the Osho and the Augustine!

Well, I’ve just given y’all snippets from the book.

A Special Copy for this Blogger

To grab a copy for yourself, please order HERE on Amazon.

Special appreciation to Ms. Swetha, III BA English for helping with the animes.

I’ve read and also reviewed love in lowercase by francesc miralles in our blog. 


Inaippin Pinaippu is a true blue testament to Love in Uppercase for the readers!

Before signing off - 

Well, the author Dr. Phebe strongly suggests that, the reader have a cuppa coffee while reading through the poems. So here’s giving you a tempt to go for the book and for the cuppa as well, dear reader! 😊

This post first appeared on My Academic Space, please read the originial post: here

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'You created me with your love!' ❤️
