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International Conference on 'Nature, Culture, Literature' at MTN College, Madurai - A Report ❤️

International Conference On 'Nature, Culture, Literature' At MTN College, Madurai - A Report ❤️

International Conference @ MTN College, Madurai | A Report

Creating Records by the Dozen!

Any Conference hosted by the Department of English, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai, assumes significance for a variety of reasons.

The distinguished luminaries on the dais

First, for a record number of paper presentations - 232 papers offline & 100 papers online, and an equally enthusiastic throng of participants drawn from across the country.

Students from Pondicherry University, Bharathiar University, MS University, Periyar University, Thiruvalluvar University, Bharathidasan University, University of Madras, and from a lot of colleges in an around South India, including Madras Christian College, participated in the Conference.

Dr. Joseph Albert, releasing the Conference Volume

In addition, one of the major highlights of the inaugural was the grand welcome accorded to dignitaries – a first of its kind – a typical Madurai-style welcome, with a variety of percussion instruments played skillfully by students of Mannar College!

Moreover, this is the first Conference organized after Dr. Rama Subbiah after he had taken over the mantle – as Principal, MTN College, Madurai. Indeed, Dr. Subbu was visibly moved and became a bit emotional while addressing the audience as well.

Dr. Rama Subbiah, Principal, MTN College welcoming the gathering

Yet another significant and pioneering practice that was initiated by the organisers, was the serving of refreshments which included multi-grain sprouts and buttermilk, which were a kinda ‘bioregional nourishments’ that were well-received by the participants and dignitaries alike. 

A section of the enthusiastic participants and delegates

The wholesome lunch along with ice cream and buttermilk was also one-of-its-kind.

The auditorium was literally overflowing with delegates and participants in large numbers all over the venue. The awesome MC done by Prof. Anthea Isaac and team was also an aural delight to everyone gathered.

The Vibrant MC Team

The College had also partnered with TJELLS, - The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies, to bring out the papers in a Conference Volume. A Conference proceedings containing the abstracts was also released on the occasion.

It indeed looked like a festival of sorts.

As an added bonus, the event was also live-streamed across Google Meet for the participants who had opted for online participation and presentations.

From Prof. Sundhar, online Participant in the Conference

Full credits and congratulations to Dr. Rama Subbiah Annan, Principal, MTN College, for shouldering the responsibility of hosting a Conference of this stature in such an excellent manner.

This Blogger's Talk

The International Conference had representations from many countries, 17 states from India and two union territories as well.

Such is the commitment and the resolve displayed by the organisers in making the Conference a memorable one for all of us!

The Vibrant Organising Team with the Principal

Personally, it was so nice to catch up with a host of lovely friends right from Dr. Marx Annan, HoD, English, Pondicherry University, to Dr. Jeyapriya Akka, HoD, English, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal.

With Dr. Jeyapriya, HoD, English, Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal

We also had a lovely time of interaction with a bevy of participants.

With Dr. Beulah and friends, Professor of English, Meenakshi College for Women, Madurai

On the whole, it was a rewarding day with wholesome nourishment for body, mind and soul!

This post first appeared on My Academic Space, please read the originial post: here

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International Conference on 'Nature, Culture, Literature' at MTN College, Madurai - A Report ❤️
