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Integrity in the Workplace (What It Is & Why It’s Important)

Integrity in the workplace matters. In fact, integrity is often viewed as one of the most important and highly sought-after characteristics of both employees and employers. A recent Global Integrity Survey by Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY) reported that 97% of respondents agree that integrity is a vital foundation for any corporation (Gordon, 2022). Despite the sweeping agreement that integrity offers significant value to organizations, EY highlights a widening gap between awareness of integrity’s role in business operations and diminishing standards of conduct (Gordon, 2022). As such, organizations must be proactive in creating a culture where integrity can take precedent. Read on to see what integrity in the workplace looks like, the benefits of being a leader of integrity, and practical pathways to becoming more consistent. Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Leadership Exercises for free. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or others adopt positive leadership practices and help organizations thrive.

This post first appeared on Positive Psychology Program - Your One-Stop PP R, please read the originial post: here

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Integrity in the Workplace (What It Is & Why It’s Important)
