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Easter, Stitching, Food

Easter, Stitching, Food

 Easter seems to have crept up on me. I'm just now noticing all the bunny and egg patterns and realizing how fast time is spinning by for us here at the wooden house. We are both convinced a week is now feeling like five days not seven. I remember wondering how would I cope with all the free time in in the world to fill all those hours not spent at work. Like so many idle wonderings, this one also turned out to be a waste of time and thought...time speeds up it seems.

So Easter is a surprise. I plan to have the family here for a turkey dinner so I'd better get in gear, make a grocery list and get to the store. For Dessert I'm doing something easy like store bought profiteroles with chocolate sauce. Who doesn't love cream puffs, as we always called them. And make one of those Ambrosia salads; Robbie would probably love a "salad" that includes marshmallows. 

 Speaking of food, I've decided to give this a try...imperfect produce. A small company sources imperfect produce in our area and offers a weekly drop off to our door. The price for the smallest box of mixed fruit and vegetables is very reasonable and savings off what we'd pay at the grocery store for like items. Beth has been very pleased with her boxes so I thought we'd give it a try too. The Odd Bunch

So happy to have all the blocks for the Crossroads quilt finished! That makes two fairly large projects soooo close to the flimsy stage. Here are the last of the blocks on the sewing room wall together.

 Figuring out their arrangement will be a bit of a challenge as I don't have a design wall space big enough for all of them at once. Maybe with half at a time I could work it out.
I've sewn a few Tiny 9 patch blocks using the FPP method. And I'm still stitching the blocks with EPP that I had previously prepped. Pleased that this is a year long challenge so no pressure. That's my bobbin tin there.
What did not get even taken out of its box was the Diamond Patchwork Quilt, my Chookshed Stitchers Challenge project, for this month. But that's okay. I feel good about all the March stitching I did accomplish along with a whole bunch of other things.

LeeAnna's Prompt this week is if we could have any wild baby animal, which would we choose. I thought the baby guinea pigs Sally showed in this post on her Crafts, Cavies and Cooking blog were adorable but they are not wild. Of the wild animals, all the babies look adorable to me. Close to home here, I sometimes glimpse a tiny rabbit so I'm going to go with that. They are furry and seemingly tame and entirely pettable ( not a word but should be.) And since my nickname as a child was Bunny, that would suit, wouldn't it. What about you? Is there a baby animal that stands out?

We had workers here for two days, early light to dusk, and they got a main log and three new struts made and up for the front veranda roof. The original main log had rolled a little. They made it a little more decorative than the original brothers who built it had. And the stain looks nice too.

They also removed extra boards which has opened up the view; I notice it through my kitchen window. I don't really like having strange people around here but sometimes you just have to. Don't get me wrong; these guys were really nice and came highly recommended by our chimney sweep. They work together at a local lumber company and were moonlighting. But, you never know... Tony says I watch too much Dateline.

Hope your weekend is great and if you are celebrating Easter...Happy Easter!

This post first appeared on Canadian Needle Nana, please read the originial post: here

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Easter, Stitching, Food
