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Broiled Sweet Potaoes

 This is perfect as a side dish for Easter or anytime.

3 sweet potatoes

1/4 c. oil (adjust amount needed)

1/2 tsp. granulated garlic

1/4 tsp. each: salt, pepper

Pinch red pepper flakes

Preheat broiler on oven.

Spray baking sheet with non stick spray.

Rinse, cut ends from and cut sweet potatoes into 4ths. 

Arrange potatoes on baking sheet.

Drizzle oil, sprinkle spices over potatoes.

Toss potatoes to coat.  

Place potatoes in oven and broiler for 15 - 20 minutes. 

Remove pan from oven, stir potatoes. 

Put potatoes back in the oven to broil until done. 

Keep an eye on them so they don’t burn.

Serves 4.

This post first appeared on Cooking With Heideâ„¢/Cooking With Heidiâ„¢, please read the originial post: here

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Broiled Sweet Potaoes
