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Floral Extravaganza

Floral Extravaganza
 Hello bloggers!  This is the final post of this launch, sadly.  This post is dedicated to the Floral Extravaganza die set.  There are a whopping fourteen dies in this set including three different flower sizes, a whole display of leaves and some centres for the flowers.  These flowers have a sort of art deco look to them and even though I haven't used very many flowers on the Art Deco samples, every once in a while, your cards or projects just need a little bit of a floral element to them, don't you think!  For the final time (this month), I ask you to leave a comment on this post and your name will be included in the drawing to win this entire collection! Don't forget to check back on April 4th to see if your name was the one drawn out to win it!  All for now, Sue x


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This post first appeared on PartiCraft (Participate In Craft), please read the originial post: here

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Floral Extravaganza
