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Tree Preservation and Management

What is Tree preservation and management. This article talks about the benefits of tree preservation, as opposed to deforestation. Trees are good for the environment, because they create a new habitat for flora and fauna to thrive and house animals and insects, of many species. Biodiversity is good for land, trees and forests, and trees are vital for our environment. They clean the air, provide habitat for wildlife, and add aesthetic value to landscapes amongst other things. They have been around for many thousands of years. Deforestation is clearing land or forests, by cutting down the trees. This can be done for many reasons, but quite often a new building development is going to be constructed, such as a new townships, or some type of land development, which requires a new landscape. This type of development does take some years to plan. There are reports which need to be submitted to local councils, and governments before the development can begin. This type of project needs ideas and input from interest groups, and the public these days, along with policy makers. Funds also need to be allocated to any project. If a large are of land is to be cleared, the trees and vegetation are removed by loggers. While this is an exciting venture taking place, the benefits of the trees being there also provide great benefit to the environment. Not only do they take up carbon dioxide from the environment, but they supply oxygen for the surrounding environment to live. They encourage a healthy ecosystem, with its lush green vegetation and large sprawling environment and grass areas, which add to the beauty of the areas natural survival. Check out this site at

This post first appeared on Gardening, please read the originial post: here

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Tree Preservation and Management
