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Decorative Drywall Features: Archways, Niches, and Plaster Work

Looking to add character to your walls? Incorporating decorative elements is a great way to start. 

With over 55 years of experience, Radiant Insulation & Drywall is ready to assist you with your decorative drywall projects! 

Decorative Drywall Features 

Decorative drywall features refer to various design elements created using drywall or gypsum board to enhance the aesthetic appeal of interior spaces. Some of the features we work with at Radiant Drywall & Installation are:  

Archways: Wall archways or half arches are a great way to enhance your walls. They are also used to distribute the weight of the wall system. 

Niches: These decorative boxes nested inside your walls make a great addition to your home. Not only are they completely customizable, but they are also creative spaces where you can fit any extra storage in your home. 

If not, they can simply be used for aesthetic pleasure.  

Plaster Work: By applying plaster to your walls, you will give them a smooth and durable finish. At Radiant Drywall & Insulation, we offer plaster services including Recreating or repairing plaster molding, diamond coat veneer plasters, and all different types of Venetian plaster with custom coloring. 

Call us today at (631) 924-0500 for a free estimate. 

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Decorative Drywall Features: Archways, Niches, and Plaster Work
