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The Many Virtues Of The Automatic Pipetting Robot

Pipetting is a term that refers to the extraction and relocation of liquids in a laboratory setting. Researchers have relied on a variety of pipetting methods over the years in order to conduct the experiments involving liquids that their research requires.

In the past, this time-consuming and exacting process was conducted manually, a tedious, difficult, and in the case of volatile substances, hazardous process! The demands of the ongoing technological revolution have made it nearly impossible for human technicians to keep up with today’s breakneck research pace. Fortunately, there is a solution to the problem!

Like nearly every other industry, scientific research has turned to automation to help researchers keep up with the increasingly high-pressure competitive environment of today’s world, where speed and perfect accuracy are absolute requirements for success. The once dull, repetitive and risky task of liquid handling has now been mostly replaced by the automatic pipette robot which can outperform even the most highly experienced and physically adroit human technician.

One of the many benefits these remarkable machines offer is their compact size when compared to most laboratory equipment, they occupy a very small area of precious bench-top space, and most of their operations do not require the presence of a human user to monitor the proceedings, making them a truly automated system capable of much higher production rates.

The simplified control interface allows you to program the tasks ahead of time so the robotic pipetting head, sample deck, liquid handling core, and pipette tips function rapidly and efficiently, greatly increasing the research’s workflow speed while providing much greater accuracy in the results.

The automatic pipette robot is able to process higher numbers of samples per hour, while it reduces the costs of labour, and protects human technicians from exposure to dangerous liquids. This kind of automation is able to perform complex protocols on its own, giving the laboratory greater flexibility and more adaptability to fulfil its goals and complete its course of research. No more human errors that can lead to swapped samples and mixed-up results, the robotic system handles the liquids with nearly a one hundred per cent rate of accuracy.

A recent poll of laboratory workers showed that they are very pleased by the addition of this amazing robotic helper to their research efforts. The old-style manual pipettor that was once utilized to extract routine measurements was often the source of repetitive motion injuries to the technician’s hands, wrists, arms, and neck!

The physical wear and tear of these onerous tasks were made a thing of the past by the automatic pipetting robot’s arrival on the scene! The machine took over these repetitive motions, eliminating the need for human workers to suffer the physical strain and possibility of debilitating physical harm.

The US Government’s National Institute of Health extols the virtues of automated liquid handling systems, check here for more information. The versatility of these systems enables technicians to handle liquids without the need for expensive and time-consuming training. Having a staff that is free to pursue other objectives that have not yet been automated greatly increases a laboratory’s output as well as the quality of its research.

This post first appeared on Incredible Planet, please read the originial post: here

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The Many Virtues Of The Automatic Pipetting Robot
