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Oliver Hudson Details Childhood Trauma He Experienced With Mom Goldie Hawn

Oliver Hudson Details Childhood Trauma He Experienced With Mom Goldie Hawn

Goldie Hawn and Bill Hudson got married in 1976 and welcomed Oliver Hudson, who has followed in their footsteps in Hollywood. However, their union was short-lasting and ended in a divorce in 1982, after which Hawn found an enduring partnership with actor Kurt Russell.

In a recent podcast appearance, Oliver bravely shared insights into the intricacies of his upbringing. He shed light on the complexities of navigating life within a high-profile, blended family and how his parents’ decision affected his childhood.

Oliver Hudson says he had a traumatic childhood

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During an episode of his Sibling Rivalry podcast, the actor candidly shared insights into his upbringing, delving into a childhood marked by insecurities. He reflected on how his mother’s demanding career and love life often led to her absence, both physically and emotionally, leaving him yearning for the nurturing and support crucial during his formative years.

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“I felt unprotected at times, she would be working and away, or she had new boyfriends that I didn’t really like. She would be living her life, and she was an amazing mother,” he explained. “This was my own perception as a child who didn’t have a dad and needed her to be there, and she just wasn’t sometimes, and she came out far more than even my dad, who wasn’t there.”


Oliver revealed that he was prompted to reflect on his childhood relationship with his parents after completing a course that gave him an eye-opener into his situation. “I did this course called the Hoffman Institute — which was this really powerful thing for me — where you’re unpacking the patterns that were put upon you from your parents and stepparents,” he admitted. “This idea that we have negative love in our lives and in order to survive, we need love of some kind, and sometimes it’s not healthy love, but we attach ourselves to those things. This course was all about understanding what those patterns were and kind of learning how to break through them and building your toolbox.”


He also added that the course allowed him to comprehend and develop a profound sense of gratitude towards his mother’s relentless dedication to supporting him during his formative years in whatever capacity she could manage. “It’s an incredible week of enlightenment on who your parents were and are, the forgiveness and compassion you have for them at the end of this process is unbelievable. Then you realize they’re only repeating the s— they went through with their parents, Oliver confessed. “The forgiveness of my father was huge because his dad left him when he was 5 years old, in the middle of the night – gone. My dad didn’t do that exactly, but essentially he bailed.”

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Oliver Hudson Details Childhood Trauma He Experienced With Mom Goldie Hawn
