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The Frictionary # 1041

 Here is another page taken from The Frictionary:

9946. When the heart is full, the eyes overflow. (Sholem Aleichem)

9947. Happiness is a present attitude and not a future condition. (Hugh Prather)

9948. The one who crawls never falls. (Stoyan Mikhailovski)

9949. Journalism is printing what someone does not want printed; everything else is public relations. (George Orwell attr.)

9950. Countries are like fruits, worms are always inside. (Jean Giraudoux)

9951. As I dream of the rain's long body,/ I will eliminate from mind all the qualities that rain deletes/ and then I will be primed to study rain's power. (Rodney Jones)

9952. Canada: A great bilingual country where immigrants are encouraged to speak two languages: English and their mother tongue. (Michel Lauzière)

9953. FRIENDSHIP is a mirror to presence and a testament to forgiveness. (David White)

9954. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Give that man religion and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish. (?)

9955. In France, ridicule does not kill. It's a living. (Henri Jeanson)

That's all for this edition of The Frictionary. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, but commercial links will be rejected. Subscribe and receive this free weekly blog in your in-box. Have a great week!

This post first appeared on The Frictionary, please read the originial post: here

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The Frictionary # 1041
