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25 Fascinating Vintage Portraits of Eric Clapton With His Curly Hair in 1967

25 Fascinating Vintage Portraits Of Eric Clapton With His Curly Hair In 1967
Pictures of Eric Clapton of Cream with his curly hair that was created for him by a West End hairdresser in the summer of 1967.

Who started the hair thing?

Eric Clapton: “I guess Dylan started it. It’s funny, ’cause it’s gone into a fashionable thing in England. I did it ’cause I liked Dylan’s hair. I went and had my hair curled. Then Jimmy came on with curly hair, and his band did it to complete the image, and everybody else did it ’cause they dug Jimmy and other people did it ’cause they dug me, I guess. It became quite a trend in England to have curly hair.”

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This post first appeared on Egomania & Dipshittery, please read the originial post: here

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25 Fascinating Vintage Portraits of Eric Clapton With His Curly Hair in 1967
