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Harvard Business Review: GenAI Could Make Online Conversations More Civil

Harvard Business Review: GenAI Could Make Online Conversations More Civil. “My colleagues and I have conducted research indicating that Large Language Models such as ChatGPT can make online conversations more productive, reduce incivility, and increase willingness to have difficult conversations across social divides. What’s more, we’re already seeing practical applications: Inspired by such research, Nextdoor, a community-based social-media platform that has struggled to rebuff online toxicity, recently launched a successful, large-scale effort to reduce incivility.”

The post Harvard Business Review: GenAI Could Make Online Conversations More Civil first appeared on ResearchBuzz: Firehose.

This post first appeared on ResearchBuzz - News About Search Engines, Databases, And Online Information Collections, please read the originial post: here

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Harvard Business Review: GenAI Could Make Online Conversations More Civil
