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Instagram Introducing New ‘Blend’ Feature

Instagram Introducing New ‘Blend’ Feature

Instagram is currently working on a new feature called “Blend”, which allows users to create a private feed of Reels recommended specifically for them and a selected friend.

This feature is still under development, was initially discovered by reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi. According to Paluzzi, ‘Blend’ would suggest Reels based on users shared content their interests.

In essence, Blend functions similarly to Spotify’s “Blend” feature, which debuted in 2021, allowing two users to merge their favorite songs into a collaborative playlist. With Blend on Instagram, users can create a personalized Reels feed for themselves and for a friend. This will enrich their shared experience on the platform. A leaked screenshot shows that ‘Blends’ feature will remain private between the two users, with each user will have the ability to opt-out at any time.

However, Instagram has not declared any details regarding whether these feeds will continuously update with new recommendations or adhere to a different update schedule. 

Blend feature will facilitate the collaborator to discover Reels. It will also boost engagement and watch time on the platform. By leveraging the content users already share via direct messages, Instagram aims to proactively recommend Reels that cater to both users’ preferences.

As with any prototype, there is uncertainty regarding when or if Instagram will release Blend to the public. However, if introduced, Blend could offer Instagram users a unique and collaborative experience not available on rival platforms like TikTok.

This post first appeared on Top VIP Account, please read the originial post: here

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Instagram Introducing New ‘Blend’ Feature
