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Embrace Your Life’s Shifts

Tags: shift
Embrace Your Life’s Shifts

As we enter April, consider reflecting on your first 90 days of this year and give thanks for your life’s shifts – especially those that are helping you become a better version of yourself. 

Just as winter shifts to spring in stages (more cold days before warmer ones consistently take hold); 

and babies do practice runs (more wobbling before finally walking and toddling); 

and tides cross a shore at their own pace (gently rolling onto a beach one wave at a time), 

our human shifts are often gradual, and sometimes formidable. Yet if you look closely, you’ll also find that they are meaningfully worth it.

Consider how this process has unfolded (or is unfolding) in various areas of your life.

Give yourself kudos for not giving up, and for being further along than you thought possible. If necessary, challenge yourself to get up, get unstuck and grow. 

Your future self will thank you.

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This post first appeared on Life Untapped, please read the originial post: here

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Embrace Your Life’s Shifts
