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Resources and Training Opportunities to Help Women Entrepreneurs to Run Successful Social Enterprises

Resources And Training Opportunities To Help Women Entrepreneurs To Run Successful Social Enterprises
This article has been contributed by Ms Prachi Kaushik, Founder & Director of VYOMINI Social Enterprise.

One significant driver of economic growth that has been acknowledged is women's entrepreneurship. They not only give society new jobs for themselves and others, but they also offer alternative approaches to organization and management. Due to their positive effects on women's empowerment, poverty alleviation, and the financial stability of families and communities, women entrepreneurs will always play a crucial role in the advancement of the economy.

Social enterprises—businesses that combine financial sustainability with social impact—are a growing vehicle for positive social change, with women at the forefront of this movement. Several tools and training opportunities can provide these changemakers with the capacity and skills they need to be empowered. The environment supporting female social entrepreneurs is expanding, providing a range of tools and chances for training to set them up for success.

One of the main instruments of international labor organization is the Women's Entrepreneurship Development Programme, which is the Gender and Entrepreneurship Together (GET) Ahead training program. By enhancing the business management abilities and critical soft skills of Women, GET Ahead seeks to close the gender gap and address some of the obstacles that women encounter when beginning and operating a business. It is different from traditional business training materials in that it emphasizes gender-based entrepreneurial skills, includes coaching and mentoring, and is specifically designed to meet the needs of low-literate women.

Training and Support for Entrepreneurship (ENTERPRISES)
Networking Events and Conferences
Governmental Initiatives and Programs
Local Small Business Development Centers
Online Tools and Resources
Startup India

Training and Support for Entrepreneurship (ENTERPRISES)

The ILO provides focused programs and networks of support to give female entrepreneurs the tools they need to overcome obstacles and succeed. Their initiatives are centered around empowerment and capacity building, with the goal of improving both individual and corporate performance.

For women who have big dreams but little money, Bharathiya Mahila Bank was founded. It offers loans to female entrepreneurs wishing to start manufacturing businesses up to INR 20 crores. If the amount of the loan you are requesting is less than one crore, collateral is not needed. The loan program that was introduced in 2017 remains in place despite the Bharatiya Mahila Bank's merger with the State Bank of India. A lot of organizations pair up would-be business owners with seasoned mentors who can share their knowledge, give priceless counsel, and encourage them along the way. This individualized coaching can be very helpful in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

The ILO-WED Program Creates Comprehensive Interventions To Support Women Entrepreneurs In Three Crucial Domains

  1. Creating an Environment That Encourages Women to Start Their Own Businesses: By identifying and fostering the conditions that facilitate women entrepreneurs' enhanced access to opportunities and resources, ILO-WED aims to alleviate some of the systemic barriers that they face.

Top 45 Successful Women Entrepreneurs In India 2024
Women entrepreneurship is growing at a fast pace in Idnia. so we have listed some of the most successful women entrepreneurs in India.

  1. Financial and Business Development Services: ILO-WED supports service providers in adopting more sustainable business models while working to make service provisions for entrepreneurs more relevant, accessible, and gender-sensitive for women clients.
  2. Assistance for Women Entrepreneurs Following Training: ILO-WED makes it easier to provide specialized training and post-training programs that enhance women's financial, interpersonal, and business management abilities. Over the years, ILO has developed and tested these trainings, tailoring them to the unique circumstances of each country while establishing and sustaining a network of devoted trainers.

Networking Events and Conferences

Learning from successful businesswomen, establishing contacts, and drawing inspiration can all be obtained by attending networking events and conferences geared toward women in business. There are networking and educational opportunities at events like Women's Entrepreneurship Day.

Governmental Initiatives and Programs

Many governments have initiatives and programs designed especially to help women who start their own businesses. These initiatives could include mentorship programs, training courses, and funding opportunities. Online Communities and Forums: Accessing helpful resources, guidance, and support for female entrepreneurs can be gained by participating in online programs.

Local Small Business Development Centers

Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are located in many communities and provide resources, counseling, and training for entrepreneurs at no cost or at cheaper rates. These organizations frequently host seminars and workshops designed especially for female business owners.

Online Tools and Resources

Women entrepreneurs can find a wealth of online tools and resources to assist them in starting and expanding their businesses in a variety of ways. These consist of marketing manuals, financial calculators, and templates for business plans.

Startup India

This government program gives women entrepreneurs in India a forum and essential assistance in areas like funding, mentoring, and skill development. It also offers workshops and other resources.

Number of Reported Jobs within Startup India Initiative from 2016 to 2022

For women entrepreneurs, training opportunities and resources are essential. Men have traditionally had more access to networks and resources, which has led to an unequal playing field in the business sector. By giving women business owners the instruments and information required to compete successfully, resources and training aid in closing this gap. A broad range of skills is necessary for launching and operating a successful business.

Training programs can boost the chances of success for female entrepreneurs by providing them with essential skills in areas like financial management, marketing, business planning, and leadership. women entrepreneurs frequently encounter distinct obstacles, including managing familial responsibilities, obtaining capital, and surmounting gender prejudice. Resources and training can help women overcome these obstacles by offering them specialized support, advocacy, and coping mechanisms.

All things considered, training programs and resources are vital to the empowerment of female entrepreneurs because they create equal opportunities, give them the tools they need to succeed, boost their self-esteem, help them make significant connections, and solve particular problems they may encounter. Consequently, this fosters an environment in a

business that is more equitable and inclusive, enabling women to flourish and share their ideas and talents with the world.

Everything You Need to Know about Startup India
Startup India is an initiative by the government scheme for young entrepreneurs. Know about its benefits and how it will boost entrepreneurship.

This post first appeared on Talk About Startups, please read the originial post: here

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Resources and Training Opportunities to Help Women Entrepreneurs to Run Successful Social Enterprises
