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Arpita Katyal of Roperro Shares the Journey of Embracing Indian Craftsmanship in Luxury Bags

Arpita Katyal Of Roperro Shares The Journey Of Embracing Indian Craftsmanship In Luxury Bags

In an exclusive interview with StartupTalky, Arpita Katyal, CEO of Roperro, shares insights into the brand's journey. Roperro, an Indian luxury label specializing in luxury bags, emphasizes Indian craftsmanship on a global scale. Katyal discusses Roperro's mission to make luxury accessible, its bootstrapped journey, and maintaining international quality standards while being Made in India.

She also highlights the brand's strategic product diversification, unique position in e-commerce, and commitment to philanthropy. Additionally, Katyal offers glimpses into her personal journey as a young female entrepreneur in the fashion industry. Through this interview, Katyal provides a multifaceted perspective on Roperro's vision and impact.

StartupTalky: Arpita, how has Roperro's journey shaped its mission and vision, particularly in its efforts to establish a global brand from India?

Katyal: Roperro’s mission and vision have always been to make luxury not just affordable but accessible as well. We believe that luxury is for every day and not just for special occasions. With that vision, we aim to achieve our mission to make Roperro a global brand from India soon.

StartupTalky: Could you discuss Roperro's bootstrapped journey, highlighting the challenges you faced along the way and how you overcame them?

Katyal: Roperro’s bootstrapped journey has been an exciting journey. Like most bootstrapped businesses, Roperro has seen its fair share of highs and lows. Finding the right team has been one challenge that taught us a few lessons. Due course correction helps us stay ahead and move forward to achieve our targets in this ecosystem.

StartupTalky: As a CEO leading a business specializing in luxury and contemporary fashion, how do you ensure that Roperro's products maintain international quality standards while being Made in India and offered at Indian price points?

Katyal: At Roperro, we do not compromise on quality and design. We have a team solely dedicated to quality assurance. We want our customers to have the best experience once they have made the purchase. We have been OEMs to several international brands in the past, so we understand how important quality is to our customers.

StartupTalky: How does Roperro utilize supply chain management techniques to optimize operations and enhance customer satisfaction?

Katyal: Roperro, utilizes supply chain management techniques that ensure a smooth journey of placing an order for the customer. Like I mentioned before also, we do not compromise on quality, lead times are unmatched, and our returns are negligible.

StartupTalky: Could you share any specific tools or software that Roperro relies on to manage its business operations effectively?

Katyal: Right now, our website in itself is self-sufficient and is fully backed up with a great inventory management tool. Other than that we do use designing software like CAD, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.

StartupTalky: Roperro caters to a diverse range of customers through its various labels. Could you share the strategic thinking behind this diversified product range and how it aligns with the company's vision?

Katyal: Understanding customer expectations is crucial. The main reason to have different labels was to give the customers an easy product segmentation to choose from. Monadaa is for customers who want trendy faux leather bags and accessories, while on the other hand, Migear takes care of the audience that is more inclined toward adventure and daily usage. Both segments cater to different needs and offer a variety of products to choose from.

Roperro Showroom

StartupTalky: Being a first-of-its-kind online marketplace for bags, how does Roperro ensure a unique customer experience in an increasingly competitive e-commerce landscape?

Katyal: Roperro in itself is a unique marketplace because we give a wide range of product offerings. With our prior experience as an OEM, and now being the manufacturer of our Roperro, we ensure that the customer gets the best products delivered to them in no time.

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StartupTalky: How does Roperro showcase its brand values and ethos during festive occasions? 

Katyal: Through various collections, we try to fill the gap of what our customers may want during specific times of the year. We also run various campaigns and offers for our customers during festive seasons.

StartupTalky: How do you perceive Roperro's role in contributing to the growth and promotion of Indian fashion on the global stage?

Katyal: At Roperro, we perceive our brand as more than just a maker of handbags; we see ourselves as ambassadors of Indian craftsmanship and creativity on the global stage. Our commitment to the 'Make in India' initiative is not just a business strategy; it's a testament to our belief in the unparalleled talent and expertise that exists within our country.

In contributing to the growth and promotion of Indian fashion internationally, Roperro strives to blend traditional Indian artistry with contemporary design sensibilities, creating products that resonate with a global audience. Each handbag we produce is infused with the rich heritage of Indian craftsmanship, showcasing intricate workmanship, vibrant colors, and high-quality materials that reflect our culture's essence.

We are dedicated to elevating Indian fashion onto the global platform, one handbag at a time, and we are committed to being catalysts for positive change within the industry.

StartupTalky: How does Roperro balance philanthropy efforts, like supporting the Vidya Devi Charitable Trust to skill women and educate children, with its business objectives, and how does this impact brand perception?

Katyal: At Roperro, we believe that successful business operations should go hand in hand with making a positive impact on society. Our approach to balancing philanthropy with our business objectives is deeply rooted in our core values and commitment to social responsibility. By empowering women and educating children, we are investing in the future workforce and creating a more inclusive and sustainable society.

StartupTalky: Lastly, could you share insights into your journey as a young female entrepreneur in the fashion industry, including notable lessons learned and challenges overcome?

Katyal: As a young female entrepreneur in the fashion industry, I have not just learned new business and fashion skills, but I have also learned how to have faith in myself and not lose hope easily. My love and passion for what I do has helped me become a confident female entrepreneur, challenges will come and go, and I am still yet to face a lot more on this journey.

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This post first appeared on Talk About Startups, please read the originial post: here

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Arpita Katyal of Roperro Shares the Journey of Embracing Indian Craftsmanship in Luxury Bags
